∅22: i got to have you pt6

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"I promise that I'll  be your knight in shining armor , because I love you"



Michael dozes off having a crazy and lowkey loving dream

-his dream-

He walks around a forest filled with flower beds ,  different flowers as roses , tulips, marigolds , sunflowers, almost every flower in the world was there lightening and brightening the scene with its colors. He walked threw the sight and saw a female figure holding a red rose in her hand and walked towards her until she started to swiftly run away in her long white sundress. After chasing her for a little bit they end up in a beautiful hidden beach  looking  river, no one was on it only the two of you

She strips to the point where she is wearing nothing and and got in, she had her back towards him and turned her head to the side and said lowkey silently "Join me"
Michael hesitated at first but then stripped and got in. He stared at the female
"Turn around"

She didn't listen at first but then did .
Michael's face smiled and was shocked at the same time
Yn smiled and cupped his face with her hand and said softly
"Kiss me"

He help her waist and kissed her passionately , until he felt her from being pulled out of his arms and dragged underneath the river then looked up to see everything destroyed , fire was everywhere , the smell of burnt ash was filling the air , he looked back down to see the river had disappeared and that he was standing a place full of destruction (fully clothes BTW)
All he could do was become afraid

-dream ends-

Michael wakes up breathing hard and looks over at you who is still in a coma, he sighs then lays back down

"This has me all in a wreck"
He gets up to use the bathroom and once he finishes he looks at himself in the mirror and has an illusion about what he saw in his dream .....the destruction

"I think the dream is the understanding of  how my life is right now.....maybe they're right" he sighs pausing
"Maybe she's never going to wake up" he looks down then looks back at the mirror to see another illusion of you and him together smiling and enjoying each other's company , then another of you and him making the most passionate love , then another of you and him cuddling
"They're wrong! I can't give up now! I made a promise and I'm going to hold my end "
He washes his hands and then walks out and looks at you holding himself and sits in the chair

He calls his mother Katherine , she immediately comes and sees him all she does is wrap her arms around him
"Is this the young lady that you've been talking about she looks familiar"
She asks
Michael nods
He lays his head on her lap after she sits next to him

"I don't know what to do mother, she's my life and I've noticed each day that I'm deeply in love with her" he stares at you
"Well first , you can't keep isolating yourself from the world , two as I already see that your staying by her side , three do what you feel is right " she says stroking his hair
"Michael , she will wake up before you know it , she will be by your side again just need to be patient"
She smiles
Michael sighs

"But how much longer? It's been three years and the hospital tried to pull the plug until I stopped them, then people are saying that she won't wake up, I'm a nervous wreck and I'm just lost with out her, she always knew how to help me stay on track no matter what plus I just got her back we haven't talked to each other for so long that we didn't recognize each other the first time we met again "
He said with a trembling voice

"My child you can't always listen to people and I understand baby it's love that's taken control of you. Love makes you do crazy things and believe me it's true"
She smiles sits him up and caresses his face

"I support you and you know this , as long as you make sure that you yourself will be okay then everything will go fine, Yn will be with you soon just be patient and have the faith"

Michael smiles a little from his mother's words and nods smiling fully
"Thank you mother" he hugs her and she hugs back
"I love you Michael"
"I love you too mother"
All of a sudden you guys hear the heart monitor beep a little and be looks over to see you looking at them

All Michael could do is smile and say "Hello Lady Of My Life "

Next chap later on
My lovelies ♥♥
Stay beautiful and remember to always smile :)

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