∅17: i got to have u pt4

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Ur shopping but a tall figure puts his hand on ur shoulder and speaks with a familiar voice

U look at the figure startled and beginning to shake

Dj: don't get scared now -smirks- weren't scared when u had all that mouth

U look at him and move

U: I don't have time for u Dj what do u want?

He grabs u pushing u up against the car

Dj: first of all don't u every say u don't have time for me and two I wanted to see how my beautiful girlfriend is

U: -trying to move- dj I'm not ur girlfriend! Now move ur drunk! And u smell

He gets pissed and holds a knife up against where the baby is

Dj: try to pull away and see if this baby doesn't die

U get scared af not moving

Dj: that's what I thought , now gimme a kiss

U shake ur head but that makes him press the knife up against ur tummy, once u feel it u automatically grab his face and kiss him not enjoying it

Dj:-smirks- now later on I want u at my house and if ur not just know what will happen next

He walks out leaving u there scared u get ur stuff in the car and zoom home after u do , u go in the house putting everything away. Michael comes down glad to see u but u avoid him thinking that he's dj and goes upstairs to ur guest room and lock the door

Meanwhile, Michael gets kind of offended and knocks on ur door

Michael: Yn let me in! What's wrong with u ?


Michael: Yn ! What are you talking about? I'm not going to hurt the baby


Michael:-says to self: I knew it-
Yn please , I'm not Dj . it's Michael! Please open the door

U cry holding the pillow close to u trying to get Dj out of ur head because its scaring u badly

Michael: I'm not leaving until u open this door

U finally get dj's voice out of ur head after an hour and open the door looking at Michael who is sitting on the floor sleep
U manage to wake him up and help him into ur bed
U let him sleep while u sit in ur chair shaking looking at the time every 5 mintues that passes by
U change ur clothes and sneak to ur ex's house.

He lets u in looking at u and smiling

Dj: I knew u would come , please sit

U sit lowkey scared

Dj: so Yn , I'm gnna ask u some questions and if u lie to me ur baby dies so u better be one hundred percent honest with me

U swallow hard and nod

Dj: first question. Why did u leave me?

U: b-because ur abusive and u always cheated on me with some other girl

Dj: hmm, second question is he better than me?

U: ...behavior wise ....yes

Dj: sex wise?

U nod

Dj: oh really?

U nod

Dj: third question
Are u going to leave him and be with me ?

U: No...I refuse to

Dj: strike one... Fourth question if I forced u to love me would u?

U shake ur head

Dj: strike two, fifth question
Is that baby mine?

U shake ur head

U: its Michael's....

Dj:-gets up - strike three-

U look at him not aware of his next action

Dj: just leave

U get up asap and begin to leave but before u could dj grabs his knife and stabs ur tummy making sure that he hurt the baby, u scream in agony and pass out

Dj: never test me Yn-slides the knife out of u and throws ur body on the floor leaving u there for dead taking the knife with him so he doesn't leave evidence-

2 hours later a neighbor sees u in the house and calls the ambulance and the cops
And they take u to the hospital

-at the hospital-

Ur in the bed still passed out
They removed the baby and stitched u up. Dj left u there while leaving the city
Ppl are trying to get into ur room because ur lowkey now famous since u know Michael Jackson
(They expect him to be in there) , and this is all on the news .

Michael on the other hand finally wakes up stretching looking over his shoulder

Michael: Yn wake up

He sees that ur not there and looks at his phone seeing a text message from his friend Elizabeth while he was laying next to his girlfriend madonna

"Turn on the news!"

He does as told and watches the reporter talk about the situation

Michael: my baby.....

Update soon

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