038: Love lasts forever

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"They say you will never show care until a person is gone.......they're wrong"

they're wrong"

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7days ago

"Michael YES! Yes yes a million times yes" yn says in happy tears
Michael gets putting the engagement ring on ur finger hugging and kissing you
"I love you so much Yn" was the last words he said until u clenched him tightly and grunted in a treacherous and excruciating way

In concern michael asked if u was okay but then saw ur life less body drop dead to the floor
"Yn..baby ! " he yells getting on his knees to aid u
"Baby wake up.....come on wake up " he says panicking and in tears
Paparazzi taking pictures as always and people begin to crowd you two
With no movement you were dead.
"YN! WHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! COME ON YOU HAVE TO GET UP I CANT LIVE MY LIFE WITHOUT YOU ! PLEASE!!" michael does his best to try and make u get up but you were gone , knowing he can't do anything anymore he holds you close not caring about the blood pool or the blood on him/u
"Baby I'm sorry!" He says in the middle of crying repeating it

-present day -

Your funeral

Michael is sitting at a reception table deep in his thought with his sunglasses on covering his red puffy eyes from all the crying he has done
"Michael are you okay?" Rebbie asks
He nods holding back tears
"Come on mikey" she looks at him
He looks at her and sighs
"Look I know this is hard for you it's hard for everyone , she was a family friend , and we loved her more and more . We know how special she is to you and I'm sorry this happened .....do you know who did it ? " she looked down
He shook his head and she sighed hugging him
"Well you know we're here for you no matter what, we're grieving with you brother" she said going over to mother Katherine
Michael went over to ur casket which is upstairs and stood infront of it holding his burning tears
"I'm sorry Yn"
He takes his necklace off and one of his rings and put it in ur hands then kissed ur head he turned around ready to walk away but turned back around tears streaming down his face wetting his suit
"I can't do this!"
He says loud to himself and starts bawling hard crying over ur finely dressed deceased body . As he cried over ur body he kept saying that he's sorry and that this was his fault
He couldn't let you go because you meant so much to him, you guys were childhood friends before he asked you to be his and be his wife , you guys knew more about each other than any one ever did in life. The pain and heartbreak that he was feeling was so unbearable it caused him to shake very badly as he held onto you
Michael felt a couple of body's hug him , it was his family
They surrounded you and him
They began singing you are not alone , Janet started then rest came in singing along sounding gracious
Michael looked at them all as they sang
Once they finished
Tito looked at him and held his hand
"Michael , you're not alone. We will be here for you no matter what , doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing we will be here for you. We're sorry about the lose of Yn and it pains us too" he pauses to wipe his tears
"She was a sister to us all from our young past to present time , she will forever be" Jackie said placing his hand on Michael's shoulder
Mother Katherine stepped in
"You have to stay strong for her. She wouldn't want you beating yourself up like this" she pauses hugging him
"She's always with you , she's always right here" she points to his heart
"She also wanted us to give you something from her, if anything like this would have ever happened" she moved to let Janet in
Janet placed this 👇👇 in his hands (the bronze one) and a note that he opened and read

 She wouldn't want you beating yourself up like this" she pauses hugging him"She's always with you , she's always right here" she points to his heart "She also wanted us to give you something from her, if anything like this would have ever happene...

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"Dear Michael ,

My one and only love. Together we conquer the world and no one can stop us. Even though I may be gone , we still are there together. Baby I need you to stay strong for me and still be the same humble, sweet, kind - hearted, funny, goofy/big kid, and loving man you are. Michael you mean the world to me and no one can take your place in my heart no matter what . With this necklace I hope that you know that I'm always with you and will always be in your heart. I love you Michael I do , please just stay strong for me and never forget me.

Love the one who will always love you ,
Yn Yln"

After he read the note it made him smile and lift his spirits up then opened the locket to see a collage of you and him making faces , kissing, standing on the beach during sunset, etc.
he wiped his puffy face and looked at you
"I love you forever more Yn"
He kissed your head  , then quickly put the necklace on , then looked at his family
"Let's go make this legacy that she always wanted us to , for her we can't give up. She lives with us no matter what even though she's gone she's always here" he pauses putting his hand on his heart

And with that said a year later the legacy was named
Yn Dynasty
The motto/ur phrase u would always say
"Live until you know you fulfilled your dreams"

Michael got over ur death but never forgot you he cherishes you and you guys son Cree
As he says that's all he needs is his family , son , and music
He vista your grave every now and then to talk to you and catch you up on things but the thing he loves most is that he can talk to you in his dreams and he knows that , that keeps him okay and motivated to do anything no matter what

This lowkey made me cry tbh

This is the last chap of this book
😝 ahhhhhhhhh I hope u guys enjoyed it as much as I did BUT DONT WORRY there will be a part 2 to this book
Just wait and see 😁😁
But for now I'll be working on "Al Capone "
Please read that one
Comment and vote please please !
For now
Remember it's with the love
💘L.O.V.E 💘
I love you guys and remember to smile
Now go read "Al Capone " 💀😁
While I conjure up some new ideas for Part 2 of this book

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