∅28: i gotta have you pt8

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U lost ur memory and its driving Michael mad


Michael POV

She still doesn't remember anything, its been almost a month and she doesn't remember ish! I tried everything , we brung her home about 3weeks ago and she was like "nice house, who lives here?" >.< this is driving me nuts! Like I miss her being comfortable around me, she's always in her room she acts like a little kid...doctor said she is in a child mind though but still , I miss her touch and her kiss , I miss everything and the sex :( I've been sexless for years now! Gonna have to figure out something soon and quick
POV over

Yn comes skipping down the stairs skipping and holding ur fav Teddy bear

Yn: Mikey ! Mikey! Mikey!

Michael looks up from his newspaper

Michael: yes Hun?

Yn: do you have any juice?

Michael: its in the fridge -goes back to reading-

Yn: Mikey! Mikey! Mikey!

He looks up again sighing

Michael: yes?

Yn: where's the cups again?

Michael: in the cabinet above u

U get ur juice then sit on the counter looking at him then at ur legs kicking them

Yn: Mikey have u ever loved someone before? And if so how did it feel ?

Michael cleared his throat and out the paper

Michael: I did and still do love someone , she means a lot to me
And it feels good when you know that that person loves u too.

Yn: what was she like?

Michael: she's everything a man would want, besides the problems in the beginning she's the best.
She's playful , smart, gorgeous , and the most loving person you could ever ask for -looks down-

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