∅32: Vampire's Love pt 4

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Recap: "I'm not going anytime soon" He places his hand on ur heart -------------------------------------------------------------U smile at the sight of Michael's face wiping your tears away

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Recap: "I'm not going anytime soon"
He places his hand on ur heart
U smile at the sight of Michael's face wiping your tears away

Yn: I love you Michael

Michael smiles looking up at you

Michael: I love you too yn

Kristin walks in to check on you and sees that Michael is alive she goes in and sits next to you

Kristin: hey buddy

U and Michael look at her

Michael: hey friend -smiles-

Kristin: how are you feeling ?

Michael: I'm doing okay now

Kristin: gtta admit you were pretty brave to do what you did

He nods and looks up at Yn

Michael: anything to keep the love of my life safe

U smile a little at his statement until u hear yanna , Trevor ,and Damon come in


she goes over happy af

Trevor: you're alive ? Cool bro

Does same as yanna

Damon stays quiet and stands at the mouth of the door

U help Michael sit up knowing he's gnna be in pain, while u do he smiles at them

Michael: I'm okay you guys , thank you for being here

Yanna/Trevor: your our leader and friend of course we're gnna be here for you

As you guys talk Damon leaves the house going to a secret place . once he gets there he walks through barbed wire doors and stands in front of the head honcho

Damon: I'll do it

The man smiles

Boss: good good , with this new turn you would be invincible and stronger than ever

Damon smiles the most evilest grin

-meanwhile a few hours later -

Michael is having fun with the others as you lay in the bed sleeping ,  rethinking,  and having flash backs about Janet , remembering the sadness , torture, harassment, and lose of dignity . you wake up from Trevor shaking u
Trevor: yn are u okay?

U look at him then look down nodding

Trevor: liar

U growl

Trevor: I can do that too -growls-

U give him the stfu look
And he laughs

Trevor: come on you're like a sister to me , tell me

Yn: the flashbacks

Trevor: oh.... Try to block them out and clear your mind

Yn: I tried but I can't

Trevor: let me help

He sits behind u and starts massaging your shoulders

Trevor: close your eyes, and imagine something blank , a room to be exact , a place where you see no pain , drama, hurt, or lies.

U do what he says and start draw a blank mind , while u do so he moves ur hair to the other side of your neck

Trevor: now imagine -massaging and in a trance- someone there with you , being and showing you the love you need

He inches his lips closer to your neck without you knowing you do as you're told

Trevor : now imagine that person taking to a place where u never been before , showing you that nothing is as bad as it seems

After those words slip out of his mouth he kisses your neck passionately sliding his hands down to your waist , you're to busy with your imagining to know. He leaves a hickey marking his territory then gets up

Trevor: now open your eyes

U open your eyes feeling so much better than before then look at him

Yn: thank you brother -smiles and hugs him -

Trevor:-hugs back smiling evily with lust - your welcome sister

Meanwhile Kristin saw what happened

Kristin :-says to herself- Michael's gnna be hurt and pissed , why would he do that

Cliffy .
But goodnight loves
Peace love and Michael

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