∅34: fuck no baby pt2

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Mikeys dick runs off and doesn't come back until Michael finds a clean bish to fudge


Couple weeks later At the house

Michael:  u cant get mad at me ! I didn't expect  My baby maker to just unattach and come alive ! DIDNT EVEN KNOW IT COULD DO THAT !!

Lisa: Michael I've seen some freaky shit but that night got my head messed up and I don't want you fucking me anymore

Michael looks at her with the bitch what face

Michael: aye I'm not the one that said those things he did !

Lisa:  I dont care

All of a Mikey D(MD)  walks in

Md: Michael where you at? I know you miss me -strutting like a boss-

Michael looks at it

Michael: hey MD

MD:-looks at lisa and turns around about to go back at the door -

Michael: WAIT!!! Mikey D , u gtta attach to me again ! I've been sexless and need it !

Md: yeah I know I sense it but yo dickless ass didn't find another girl , why don't u call up that girl you use to talk to ..she use to make u as in me stand at attention and hard af

Michael: which one

Lisa looks at him with the really nigga face

Md: yn , damn she had ass for days plus when u hug her I try to up her skirt or poke her ass but ur pants be always caging me in so I get revenge by making myself visible while ur on stage  especially in those gold pants , bitch ass nigga ! I can barely breathe in those things

Michael: I'm sorry Mikey D and true but she's my best friend

Md: sooooooooooooo shes probably better than rat trap here -looks at lisa- Lisa pick me up

Lisa: uh why?

Md: bitch I said pick me up

Lisa: only if u go back on Michael and inside of me

Md looks at her like

Md: -starts doing the Drake- bitch u got me fucked up -cha chas- u can suck Mike's left nut Let me tell u something rat trap , I'll be damned if I go back in y

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Md: -starts doing the Drake- bitch u got me fucked up -cha chas- u can suck Mike's left nut
Let me tell u something rat trap , I'll be damned if I go back in y..-gco-

Lisa picks him up pissed

Lisa: listen here u little shit -gco-

Md:-sings- ⬇⬇⬇

Bih you know I'm big -twitches in her hand- let me go ! Breath smell like someone shit and farted in it bruh -hops on mjs shoulder-

Michael: do I have a say in this?

Md: only if u fuck yn and leave kitty crater over there

Micheal tries not to laugh

Md: I didn't say laugh got a couple things to say to u , U owe me big time for ALL THOSE TIMES u didn't use a condom , her shit is evil she got little hair like things that be tickling me and trys to suck me in bitches be saying "stay with us , cum for us" and other shit -cries - it's horrible ! -stops and bitch slaps Michael - and one more thing next time u try to suffocate me I'm gnna expose you
OH YEAH -bitch slaps him again- if u ever feel me twitch before you fuck just know it's a sign as DONT DO IT HER SHIT AINT RIGHT  -,- bitch ass nigga !

Michael: OK OK

Mikey D bitch slaps Michael again

Michael: the hell was that for

Md: for my suffering and because I felt like it , now tell fish catcher to leave and call yn

Michael does as hes told so he can get some kitty

-later that night -

Michael: oh shit! -thrusts one more time before coming-

Yn:-gripping his back-

Michael: -cums and thinks: God he was right her pussy feel Better than any one I ever had sex with-

Y'all finish and cuddle till u fall asleep
Md unattached himself and looks at Michael

Md: good man -smiles -

Michael smirks

Michael: thanks now reattach before she sees you

Md: -_- nigga she already felt me inside her and saw me fawkk u mean
But fine -reattachs-

Yn: babe who are u talking to?

Michael: no body baby girl -kisses ur head and smiles-


d twitches as in good job

Update later if u guys can please tell me what story you would like for me to update next thank u
Peace love and Michael  ♥♥♥

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