∅27: Michael Goes to jail

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Michael pov

Michael: NO YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!! -runs but cops grab him and put him in the cop car going to jail-

-at the jail-

Michael: man get ur toupee wearing ass off me -_- -struggling to get the cuffs off-

Cop: stop trying you will not get out of them -puts him in his cell-

Michael: swear to the Lord savor that I will get my ppl on you! Plus I get a phone call!

Cop: goodbye sir -walks away-

Michael throws his shoe at him the cop turns around

Cop: who did that?

Michael points to some buff ass dude

Cop: hey! Come with me for assaulting a cop -takes buff guy out-


Michael: bitch my HAIRLINE stay on. Point ! Where ur hairline at? Ooo I forgot playing peek-a-boo
Get ur life

Buff guy gets mad and leaves with cop

-month later-

Michael , wearing a short sleeve orange jumpsuit , hair in a ponytail , has now 3 tattoos , and basically runs the jail

Michael: Hey Johnson! -sits next to him -

Johnson:-shaking- yeah?

Michael: where's the goods?

Johnson: here -gives him a juicebox and a cookie-

Michael: -takes it- thank u ....now SCRAM! -jumps at him and outs his feet up on the table-

Johnson runs, one of Michael's goons walks up with a "wanna be bad ass "

Goon: yo m-jeezy this punk right here was trying to steal from you

Michael: -bites cookie- hmmm , come here

Punk goes over to him scared lowkey, Michael looks at him and circles him then slaps him with the cookie

Michael: .__. Fuck wrong with u , dusty  Aretha Franklin lookin ass -shuts up- get out my sight and next time you steal my goons will beat that ass up got it

The punk nods

Michael: has Yn come yet?

Goon: nah not y-gco-

Guard: Jackson! You got a visitor

Michael goes to the visitation room and sees Yn there and gets happy af
Michael: YN! -hugs u-

Officer: No Touching!

You both sit

Yn: Michael I came as fast as I could , what did you do!?

Michael: stab someone with a spork ... Then pissed on their grave

Yn shakes her head

Yn: why!?

Michael: nigg took my juicebox v.v

Yn: -blinks with a wtf face- really Michael really? -_-

Michael: yeahhhh now when R gnna get me outta here already had to ppl tryna rape me for dropping the soap so I stuck the soap down their throats every time they talk they cough up bubbles -sighs-

Yn: oh lord , I already bailed you out, I just had to talk to you first to see how you were doing -sees tattoos- when tf did you get tattoos

Michael: my goon fruit loop did it v.v , he may be fruity but he does good tattoos even though it hurt like shit

Yn shakes her head and gets Michael out , when they go to the car Michael is twerking , jigging , and moonwalking all the way there
Michael: wait I got one more thing before we leave the premises

Yn:-already in the car- what?

Michael:-calls a guard- HEY YOU!

the guard looks

Michael: got something to tell u
-pulls pants down showing ass-

Guard: -__-

Michael laughs getting in the car and goes home


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