031: fuck no baby

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Michael: ready ?

Lisa: hurry up I want it bad

He smirks slipping inside of her until his dick unattached itself and came alive standing on Lisa's stomach

Md= Michael's dick

MD: bitch you got some nerve tryna make me go inside of u -__- shit smell like feet and apple sauce that don't mix honey boo , plus u got some hairs that needs to be snipped got me fucked up

Lisa screams from what she's seeing

MD turns to Michael

MD: nigga the fuck wrong with u -bitch slaps Michael- I got feelings too her shit so loose I get lost trying to find her walls , why do you think I twitch before you fuck -_- stupid ass do you know how it feels having to go in and out of that fishy shit? Make me wanna pass out bad enough my neighbors are your balls them mother fuckers stay talking shit about you

Michael gets confused

MD: u look confused son let's put it like this I'm not reattaching to u until you find some bomb clean fresh pussy to stick me in other than that I'm out -jumps off bed and runs out- BYE BITCHES !

Michael and Lisa just let look at it go with blank faces

Both: wtf just happened?

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