∅18: Why you wanna trip on me?

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"Why You Wanna Trip On Me
Stop Trippin"

- Michael Jackson (why you wanna trip on me)


-at a interview-

Paul: so Mr Jackson first of all its nice to have u here

Michael smiles and nods

Paul: so lets get to it

-30 minutes later from all the background on how Michael is doing etc-

Paul: Now Mr Jackson , Is True That You Are Addicted To Drugs?

Michael looks at him confused

Michael: excuse me?

Paul: Rumor Has It Said That You Are

Michael: First Of All, I'm Not Addicted And Whoever You Got That From Needs To Stop Spreading This Rumor

Paul: But It Was Sai-

Michael cuts him off

Michael: Well Whoever Told U Is A Lie , Next Question

Paul sighs and nods

Paul: Is It True That You Molest Kids? ...Little Boys To Be Exact?

Michael: Who Are You To Ask Me This?

Paul: Is It True?

Michael gets heated

Michael: No It's Not True! I Love Kids , I'm A Big Kid Myself . Just Because I Have Kids Around Doesn't Mean That I'm Hurting Them Or Touching Them. Why Are You Asking Me These Questions

Paul smirks at how mad Michael is getting ...not really caring just doing his job

Paul: Look Mr. Jackson , I'm just Doing My Job And It's Not Our Faults That You Make Yourself Look Like A Ped-

Michael cuts him off

Michael: Well Your Job Is Foul ! If You Ever Want Me Back On This Set Ever Again , You Better Do Better At Your Job Instead Of Interrogating Me Like I'm A Suspect

He snatches his wires off and leaves

-couple of hours later-

John: Michael please calm down

He yells while locked outside of the studio room while Michael is trashing it going crazy, tired of everything the critism , the lies , the rumors , the pain, and the drama ...he threw his music everywhere , he threw his glass souvenir to the ground and watched it shatter and then sits in a corner holding himself crying his heart out

John: MICHAEL OPEN THE DOOR ! -trying to get the door open-

Michael keeps crying holding himself feeling numb , john gets tired of trying and calls Michael's closes friend Yn, someone Michael will listen to and someone who can relate to Michael's pain.

About 15 mintues later Yn walks into the building looking at john

Yn: What Happened?

John: He's Losing It , You're The Only He'll Listen To , Please Talk To Him

U nod opening the door with a bobby pin and see Michael in the corner crying , u close the door locking it and go over to him and hold him without hesitation , he crys on ur chest letting everything out with his tears, seeing him like this made u have tears in your eyes , u hold him rocking and stroking his hair gently

Michael: Why Does This Always Happen To me -crying-

U stay silent thinking about how back he's hurt

Yn: Michael Hunny , We All Go Through Hard Times , It Just Means Something Greater Will Happen

Michael: What Greatness Will Come Out Of This?! Please Tell Me Because I Want To Know

U look at him

Yn: Well Think About Michael , You Know The Truth. ALL The People That Are Loyal To You Know The Truth. People Who Don't Know You Or Wants To Hurt You Make Up These Lies And Hate On You. All You Have To Do Is Keep Proving Them Wrong

Michael sits up looking at you , you wipe his tears and his nose with a tissue from your purse

Yn: Can't Let These Things Get To You Like This -cupping his face- Your A Great And Humble Person And You Know That You Have People Here To Talk To You About Your Problems

He looks down then back at you

Michael: Yn I'm Tired Emotionally And Spiritually , I Can't Anymore

Yn: I'll Help You Get Through This -holds his hands- You Are Not Alone

Michael Looks down  then lays back on u and takes your arm and puts it back over him

Michael: I Don't Know What To Do Anymore Yn........... I'm Weak

Hurt to make this almost shed a tear after proof-reading this :(
Anyways goodnight

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