∅26: Michael goes to Maury

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Maury: welcome to Maury , and do we have a story for you , Michael and his ex Billie Jean (a/n: pretend she's his ex) and her 5 kids ...flooranda , doorknobisha, goatfaceoncé, fandrella, and iphoncia ...lets see Michael's side

Michael's video

Michael: -in a tree- Maury , idk why she thinks that I'm the daddy of her bebe kids , they don't look like me , I would never name my child doorknobisha

-now on the stairs-

If those kids are mine then I'm still I'll help but we all know that they aren't my family has teeth , them mofos don't , my family got hair! Them mfs don't  ...tell billie jean stop trying to get my money and that they aren't mines

-video over-

Maury: Michael come out

He comes out and ppl boo him
Michael walks out with his middle fingers up and then sits

Michael: wassup Maury

Maury: living man living , so you really think these kids aren't yours

Michael: Maury I know they aren't -gets up and goes to their pictures- look at the nose! Look at the cheeks! Hell nah they aren't mine

He sits back down

Maury: okay Michael calm down , lets see Tatiana's pov

-Billie jean's video-

Maury, Michael knows these kids are his , I don't know why he's acting -on street-  he was there for the births and everything. He needs to stop fronting and cough up them checks

-video over-

Maury:-sighs- Tatiana everyone

She comes out and sits next to Michael but he gets up and sits 2 seats away

-20 mins later-

Maury: who are these guys

Billie Jean: the other possible baby daddies


Dude gives Maury test results

Maury: results are in -looks at them- oh boy

Michael gets curious

Maury: for flooranda -mumbles : ratchet ass names on God- Michael U ARE NOT THE FATHER!

for doorknobisha -mumbles: tf kinda name is that?- Michael U ARE NOT THE FATHER

For goatfaceoncé -mumbles: wtf?- Michael YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER

for fandrella , okay Tatiana what was ur problem naming these kids these names? Anyways Michael YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER

and for iphonica ..Michael YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER

Michael jumps up hitting his famous spin and does the moonwalk meanwhile Tatiana runs backstage crying

Michael: -sings- THE KID ARE NOT MINE OWW! -does backflip and almost brakes his back- fuck! -gets up and goes to the other guys-
Good luck ! -rubs off stage and goes home-

Maury: thank you for coming to Maury , more will come next week

Goodnight loves ,hope u had a good laughs from these chapters
Stay pervy!

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