∅25: Mj's roast show

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Michael pov

Michael: welcome to Michael's roast  , I'm your host Michael here to give u the roast interviews u know wassup time for some roasts

Audience claps and he goes over to his roast seat sitting

Michael: -looks at note card- mmm see his Roach looking ass still isn't doing anything , lets bring him out

Crowd claps

Kanye comes out and sits

Kanye: wassup Michael , glad to be here

Michael:-eating popcorn- did u say anything?

Kanye: its nice to be here -smiles-

Michael: can't say the same for u but I mean it is :) anyways how's the kids? But question why did u name ur kid north west ?

Kanye: give her something unique you know

Michael almost chokes on his popcorn

Michael: why you lying? U know you named her that because Beyonce named her kid Blue ivy -_-
Get yo wanna be thug ass outta here

Kanye looks down scratching his head

Michael: naming ur kid after a direction , that's like me naming my kid south jackson , west Jackson, and east Jackson -_-
I mean I know ur kid is cute and all but still couldn't u think of a better name? Hope she slaps tf outta u for naming her that matter fact I'll do it for u -gets up and slaps kanye- get off my stage and go think about ur life AND UR NOT JESUS !

Kanye runs off crying
The crowd laughs

Michael: -looks at the card- -__- this bitch stole my woman , JAY Z BRING UR BABOON LIP HAVING ASS OUT HERE!

crowd claps for him while he comes out and sits

JayZ: wassup Mr Jackson -trys to give him a dab-

Michael: back yo ass up , so lets talk about you taking my woman

JayZ: I didn't take her...she chose me

Michael: BITCH ! She didn't choose yo ape looking ass -_- she wanted me until you came in the picture

JayZ: and why is that?

Michael: Because I'm Michael Fucking Jackson Tf?

JayZ: -mumbles- yeah mj with no bey

Michael: do you want to get ur ass beat?

JayZ: lets go

Michael: don't let the white skin fool you -takes wig off- JOHN! HOLD MY WIG!

JayZ: -gets up-

Michael: just mad bc she didn't come home last night because she was with me!

JayZ: -tries to jump him-

Michael: NOW!

a whole bunch of kids attack Jay z and drag him to hell

Michael puts his wig back on and sits like nothing happened then looks at his card

Michael: she sexy af ,.....NICKI MINAJ EVERYONE

nicki comes and sits smiling

Nicki: hey Mr Jackson

Michael: call me daddy

Nicki: okay Michael

Michael: let's cut the crap , when are u gnna let me hit?

Nicki: ....um

Michael: meet me in the dressing room later on NEXT!!!! 

He looks at the card

Michael: ew why is Lisa on here!

She comes out and crowd stays silent

Lisa sits

Lisa: hey baby

Michael: do I know you? -wearing sunglasses and uses a stick-

Lisa: well I was ur wife until u left me

Michael: do you guys hear something I must be going deaf , who is this woman , lady speak English I don't speak bullshit

Lisa: Michael come on , don't you remember all the good times and the sex?

Michael:-snatches his glasses off- bitch fuck the sex yo shit smelt like feet and booty -_- , my dick was screaming and yelling for me not to fuck you , shit is still mad at me -looks in pants- u still mad?

Michael's dick: Man fuck outta here -sniffs and lowkey cries-

Michael: I'm sorry mj jr , I'll make it up to you -looks at lisa- see what you did made him sad -,-, -looks back down- its gnna be okay

Michael's dick: yeah yeah close the pants its cold af

He listens

Lisa: so you don't remember  anything?

Michael looks at crowd

Michael: so that's the end of the show , now get y'all broke asses out but buy tickets for next week's show

Michael leaves the set and yells to stage manager

Michael: GET THAT LOSE ANIMAL OFF MY STAGE -looks at Lisa then goes and finds nicki-


Update soon

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