∅35: gone forever

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Michael: so you're going to leave me because of a mistake?

You and Michael have had bad blood for a while and you can't handle it anymore

Yn: so you call ditching me for some other chic k matter fact groupie a mistake? You call all those cold and lonely nights a mistake? I mean I understand that ur famous and all but damn at least find some time for us and you call humiliating me on that stage a mistake? Michael , you can be a lot of things but I would never expect you to be a disrespectful dick -crying- one more thing ....u call -wipes face- getting your ex pregnant a mistake? -getting stuff and taking to your car-

Michael looks at u and grabs you

Michael: where are you going?

Yn:-moves away from him- I'm leaving , I'm done with this. Michael I don't even know who you are anymore. You've become someone that I don't want to be with anymore , what happened to the "forever and always" promise? Or did u just say that to get me in bed. Michael we don't even go out and have a good time with each other , all we do is have sex and I'm tired of it

Michael: how do you think I feel? I'm working my whole day barely able to do whatever I want half of the time because of all the ish I'm going through.

You sigh

Yn: I understand that but still the principle is that we should've never got together

When those words slipped through your lips, he looks at u shockingly

Michael: so that's how u really feel? -fights back tears-

Yn: I'm sorry , but I do plus you don't really love me so don't stand there and act like you do , and I'm not gnna stay and be with someone that doesn't care and love me as much as I care and love for them

Michael: hold on a minute who said that I don't love you? Now you know that's a lie ! Yn I do love you , how dare u question my love me

Yn:-walking towards the door- does that baby in ur exs tummy show that you love me? Michael as long as we've been married you know I've always wanted a baby but -fights tears- I guess it wasn't meant to be -gets papers out of ur purse- here ....I already signed them -puts the papers on the table-

Michael looks at the papers feeling guilty

Michael: I'm not signing that

Yn: I bet you won't -gets last bag- good bye Michael

U walk out the door leaving Michael there guilty and unsure of what to do next

He looks at the divorce papers and shakes his head

Michael: she's not gnna walk out on me like that , I'll be damned if I signed those yeah I messed up big time but who cares about it now

He takes the papers and puts them in a forgettable safe and goes in the room and sighs staring at the ceiling

Part 2 coming later
Will soon have to make another book of this and when I do it will be a continual of this one sooooooooooooo stay in tune

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