∅13: My True Love

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*Requested by esso777*


Lisa looks at her fine, sexy, and beautiful husband thinking that they are the perfect couple while sipping on her tea. She sits on his lap and lays her head on his shoulder.
"I don't know what I would do without you" she kisses his cheek , meanwhile Michael is reading his newspaper thinking about his other love and  disregards what she says
"Michael" Lisa looks at him while he ignores her , she moves a little and looks him dead in the eye
"Michael" she says stern getting his attention

"Did u hear what I said?"
Michael looked at her and lied
She gets up looking at him kisses his cheek and goes to the bedroom

Lisa POV

He's acting weird .....AGAIN!
Like I don't feel like he's into our marriage. At first he was but now he's changing......I hope there's nobody else...because if there is ....ish will go down
POV over

Michael sighs in relief and goes outside on the balcony to call his other love
The phone rings for a couple seconds until he hears a beautiful and sexy voice say "hello"
His mood lightens up and he smiles
"Hey beautiful"
He says sweetly
The girl on the other line smiles at his voice
"Hey baby, I was just about to call you" he smirks
"Oh really? I've been waiting for ur call all day" she rolls her eyes
"Michael, you know how your wife is, plus u know she goes through your stuff all the time" u say annoyed
"Esso  I know hun" he paused
"How about I come over and we talk?" Esso thinks about it for a little bit
"Fine, okay"
Michael looks at the time
"I'll be there in 30 mintues"

You both say ur goodbyes
And Michael heads out

-40 mintues later-
Michael arrives at Esso's door and knocks on it
She knows its him by the way he knocks so she gets up and answers opening the door. Michael smiles holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers
"For u" she smiles and takes them smelling the sweet sent
"Thank you"
She lets him in and they begin to talk
"Let me guess , you used the "I'm going to the studio be back later" excuse? " she chuckles to herself
"Works everytime" Michael laughs.

U guys talk about everything
Media, life, gossip, Lisa, and about their relationship, until he starts pulling her on his lap and starts to her passionately.
"Wait, Mike" Esso says breaking the kiss
Michael looking a little confused
U look at him
"I don't want to keep doing this while your married, I want u for myself instead of sharing you" she looks down
"Sweetheart, after tonight u will have me without sharing, I've planned something for ms. Presley at home" he smirks
"I bet you did" she begins kissing him again caressing his face while he takes off her shirt admiring her physic
"God you have beautiful body"
Beginning to unhook her bra he kisses her spots leaving hickeys all over the place not caring where
Sliding his hands down he moves her panties to the side and fingers her while sucking on her nipples. Esso

it her lip and moaned at the tease that he was doing running her fingers through his silky hair making him groan. "Michael I need you" she moaned , and with that said he looked up at her and said "lift up" , she did as told and he unzipped and unbottoned his pants letting his dick fling out since its been playing peek-a-boo
"Ride me" is what he managed to say in between groans from rubbing his tip on her soaken wet pussy , she slid down hissing at his size (he got bigger) and stayed there for a little adjusting herself until she got use to it then began her work.

"Just like that baby shit!" Michael moaned from the sensation gripping onto her hips meanwhile esso is bouncing, swirling , rocking , twerking, etc and moaning loud af working like a porn star making sure she pleases her soon to hopefully be her man right.

"Yes Esso Baby just like that" he slaps her ass leaving a hand print and begins pumping fast in and out of her "OH GOD!" she screams gripping his back then gets up putting her up against the wall and pounds the shit outta her screaming like crazy , while Michael is moaning loud and working his magical D

"I ...LOVE...YOU...ESSOOOOOO" yelling in between moans he says
"I LOVE U TOO MICHAEL!" screaming from him pounding her punani  like it did something did him.
Scratching , biting , back arching and eyes rolling was all esso could do at the moment she couldn't take the sex and came all over him moaning at how good it felt, while Michael did the same he took them to the room and continued for about 6 rounds

After the rounds they were I'm the bed cuddled up
"Michael I ....I don't want you to leave tonight ....matter..fact I don't want you to leave ever" she looked at him then looked down
"Baby I'm not going anywhere , Esso I love you more than her , I'm over here more than I am with her. Any and every chance I get I come to you" he lifts ur head up and kisses her
"I'm not going anywhere" he sees a tear come down her face
"You promise?"
She looks in his eyes
Michael gets his phone calling Lisa
Esso looked at him confused
As he began the conversation with Lisa , Esso could here Lisa screaming on the other line but at smooth as Michael is he smirks and hangs up turning the light out and puts his arms around her and whispered in her ear
"I love you beautiful"

Welp yeah enjoy

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