037: why you wanna trip on me pt3

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Recap : Michael knows that you have feelings for him and you guys were looking/going down memory lane with your picture albums ---------------------------------------------

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Recap :
Michael knows that you have feelings for him and you guys were looking/going down memory lane with your picture albums

-6 months later-

Michael: I'm not gnna call you dad , I mean you should know why

Joseph: Michael I'm trying to change pl-

Michael: No now leave , you already put me through hell when I was younger and I'm not going to let that happen to me now so I'm leaving  -gets up and turns around to walk-


Michael stops in his tracks back still towards Joseph

Michael: ur the main one to be talking about turning someone's back on someone -leaves going home -

Leaving Joseph sitting there guilty he sighs and looks out the window and then at his driver

Michael: stop at here

The driver does what he says and parks at a flowery field , flower beds everywhere and peace
He gets out and starts walking through the flowers thinking and smiling , he gets to a certain spot and lays down in them looking up at the sky remembering memories good and bad
Until he thinks of Yn

Michael: time isn't right ..... I don't think ..... I don't know -sighs - No I'm in love with her just gotta figure out how to approach her -looks at his picture that he holds around with him- God she's like on angel from above but she will never forgive me for what I did

He holds the picture close to his heart

He stays there for hours thinking and wondering and plotting , he hasn't answered his phone and doesn't want to he turns it off and just lays there until he hears footsteps coming closer he sits up and sees his sister Janet

Janet: hey big brother -sits next to him-

He smiles and greets her

Janet: what are you doing here by yourself ?

Michael: just thinking about some stuff

Janet: is everything okay?

Michael nods

Michael: yes -smiling - just thinking of someone special

Janet: yn?

He looks at her

Michael: how do you know?

Janet: because -whistles loud-

Michael looks at her then at the female figure coming

Janet: just ask her mike , she's in love with you and you're in love with her , plus she's always there for you and knows u like the back of her hand even though you did do what you did she is always forgiving

Michael looks at Janet then gets up , the female looks at him and looks down , he doesn't say anything but holds the female close and sheds a tear

Michael: I'm so sorry , I never wa-

She cuts him off with a kiss , michael doesn't hesitate to kiss back deepening the kiss

Janet: um guys , y'all know I'm still here right

Michael shoos her away

Janet: 😑😑😑😑

After the kiss , he looks at her and puts his hand on her tummy and smiles

Michael: hey in there -rubs her tummy - Yn , I promise to do everything in my power to show you that I'm sorry and that I love you

Yn: um michael .-.

He looks at you

Yn: I forgive u and you already do that , just don't you ever call me out my name again unless you know what

Michael: yes ma'am

He kisses u and smiles

Michael: Janet how can I ever thank you

Janet: don't make out in front of me

Michael: deal !

U laugh and feel the baby kick causing you to groan and hold ur tummy

Michael: yn are you okay?

U nod and grab his hand putting it where the baby is letting him feel the baby kick

Michael: Awwwwwww she's kicking !

U giggle and groan at the same time

Yn: she needs to chill in there

Michael smirks then takes u home with him giving u a massage and taking a warm bubble bath with you


Update soon

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