∅1∅: I got to have u

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Michael finished his short film bad
And walked down the street with his good friend  Wesley snipes to get something to eat.

Michael: -laughing- right , never seen something like that ever in my life

Wesley: brooooo that's crazy

They walk into shop waiting in line mintues later they order their food and go outside to eat where the gazebos are. They were having a friendly conversation until they saw a Beautiful Female figure walk by. Watching the figure they see that she's going into a clothes boutique called " Beauté et le style" (beauty and style)

Wesley: bet u I can get her number

Michael: $20

They dap each other and Wesley goes in and finds the lady ,

Wesley:-drapes a beautiful necklace around ur neck- Now that is wat I call beauty

She smiles and is startled at the same time

Wesley: sorry for being rude , my name is Wesley , may I have ur name?

She smiles and says "Yn"

Wesley: that's pretty

U: thank u

Wesley: I'm gonna stop beating around the bush , I saw u earlier thinking that I have to have u , may I have ur number?

U look at him like "tf"

U: ummmmm No

He looks at u about to say sorry but u walk away just in time, he goes back to Michael and sighs

Michael: did u get it?

He shakes his head ,

Wesley: think I was too strong on  her , b4 I could say sorry she left

Michael smirks

Wesley: okay Mr. Smirks-a-lot how about u get the number

Michael got up proud and confident

Michael: watch the master do his work

He goes into the boutique and spots u then makes his way over acting like he's shopping then he "accidentally" bumps into u

Michael: I'm so sorry -looks at u , lowkey staring-

U: its fine .....um is something wrong?

Michael: No , No its just that ur really beautiful and I love ur eyes

U smile and smirk

U: thank u , ur handsome urself 

Michael:-blushes a little- thanks , wat is ur name?

U: Yn, wat's urs?

Michael: Michael, u have a unique name I like it

U smile

U: thank u

Michael: well miss Yn, do u mind me asking if u would like to go out to dinner with me tomorrow night , about 7:30 , 8:00 ish?

U:-think a little- No i dont , I would love to

He smiles like a little kid who won a toy

Michael: perfect , may I have ur number?

U give it to him , but instead of u guys separating. U guys decide to chat and shop with each other , and get to know each other

Meanwhile Wesley goes home salty af

Part 2 will be soon
But I gtg
Aj out

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