∅∅6: Baby I'm Home

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U have been alone for almost 3 months because Michael has been on tour , you've been sexless and miss his touch to the point where u bought a vibrator , something u promise to never get EVER. U ran a warm bath on this lonely but fine night after u ate ur dinner. U slipped out ur clothes grabbing ur vibrator and got in. 15 minutes went by and u were thinking about all the dirty things u want Michael to do to  you. U put ur head back thinking of the images and without u knowing u turn on the vibrator rubbing it up against ur clit , letting soft moans slip through ur lips beginning to rub on ur boobs

Michael is walking through the door , putting his stuff down , he came home early bc he missed u and ur anniversary is coming up something he knew he couldn't miss, while he was coming upstairs calling ur name he hears moans coming from the bedroom
"I know she doesn't have another man in my home , I'll be damned" he walks closer hearing ur moans get louder and starts to get pissed after he hears u say "yaass daddy just like that" he walks in heated meanwhile ur moaning loud , back arched , head back, while pumping ur punani with the vibrator , u could feel ur orgasm come soon so u keep going until Michael walks into the bathroom satisfied to see u alone pleasing urself
"Well , Well wat do we have here?" He smirks
U stop quickly looking at him like u saw a ghost
"It's not wat it looks like"
Michael smirks
"I bet it's not , how about u let me satisfy ur needs" he says already stripping
u watch as ever piece of clothing falls off of him and bite ur lip
He gets in and begins to kiss u and sits u on his lap but feels something vibrating on his leg
"the hell?" He picks up the vibrator and looks at u with the "face" all u do is laugh and blush, u turn it off and kiss him again grinding on his hard throbbing dick , he begins to play tongue war with u and lifts u up a little sliding his dick inside u, u hiss and put ur head back biting ur lip , he smirks and begins grinding increasing his pace every time he slides out u take control and start bouncing causing him to grab ur waist and groan
"Shit Y/n"
U moan as  a response going faster while Michael is helping making u go harder and ur moans get louder each time u land , he began to pump in and out of u while ur bouncing
"Oh fuck Michael ! " was all u could say while  grasping at his back

Michael POV
God she feels good on my dick she got that golden pussy, meaning the best . but she lucky bc I thought some other man was here , shouldn't have thought that bc she's loyal af and I love her so much

-moments later-
"AH SHIT " Michael moans cumming, u moan at the warmness of his cum , he thrusts two more times as hard as he can making u cum for the 4th time.
U both lay in the bubbly bathwater
Bodies tired and restless
" I'm so glad you came home, I missed u so much" u say stroking his wet hair while he is laying on top of u
"I missed u more my queen "
He smiles and kisses back.

Eventually u guys go about 5 rounds all over the house making it a mess and then fall asleep on the couch , naked in each others arms

*night pervvs sweet dreams
And merry Christmas*

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