20 facts about Me challenge

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Y'all wanna know about lil ole me????

1. My real name is Ambia but I prefer to be called Aj

2. I'm weird AF

3. Im crazy

4. I'm 5'3 and get picked up a lot by tall ppl -_-

5. Im bi , my ex was a girl

6. Hate  fake ppl , so if ur gnna fake to then don't talk to me

7. Michael is bae, baby daddy, hubby, fuck buddy, everything

8. I'm known as the prankster

9. Im freaky af

10. I'm not really as social as ppl think that I am

11. I love Amber rose and nicki minaj they're my bms

12. I love Chris Brown and Drake

13. I'm a vegetarian

14. If u got ass , Ima tell u

15. IM BLUNT AF , I say wats on my mind without regret

16. I got 2 sides , my girly side and my tomboy side , if I flirt with u then its my TB side , if I don't its my girly side

17. I went to a mindless behavior and nicki minaj concert b4 and got to meet them

18. Bday: Nov 10

19. Never EVER EVER EVER EVERRRRR lie to me bc ur gnna be out of my life like a tooth pick

20. Hate when ppl call me a fuck girl or "girl that doesn't know her sexual orientation" . if ur not gnna accept me bc Im Bisexual then fine so be it but don't talk shit behind my back about it tho

Anyways enough about me
Here es my nominees if they didn't already do  this:

Aj out

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