∅33: Blue Gangsta pt 3

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Recap:   "Im your brother"

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"Im your brother"



U stare at him then look away
"How can that be Carter ? My brothers dead don't start making stories up fore to forgive you because I don't i hate u so much "
U manage to sit up

Carter looks at you hurt
"Yn my dad , Charles was married to your mother Janice ,they got a divorce but before they did your mother died , I was there when she died he beat her to death and I saw when he took you away and started beating you too. You got to believe me "
He holds your hands
U move your hands and state him dead in the eyes
" you probably know that because I told you that "
U say cold hearted , u get up and go upstairs to get freshened up

At the blue gangsta's house
"BOSS! " one of the gangsta's goons runs to him and takes him to the hospital

Once they get there , he gets sent to the ER automatically
"Carter will pay for this on everything that I love and so will that bitch Yn" one of the goons say in the lobby , he gets up grabbing his coat and leaves to start and conjure up his plan
"G where are you going?" His fellow gang member brando asks
"Kill this fucker and that bitch that caused it " G looks at Brando and walks off

-couple weeks later-

" I'm better now stop badgering me! We need to find them with that tracking device . I want to be the one to make sure they pay especially Carter . he's the reason why I'm in this mess. Pablo ! "
The blue gangsta calls
Pablo runs up to his boss
"Yes boss" he responds
" I need you to bring those duffle bags to the black rose gang , theyve been on my ass about it and I'm tired of hearing their threats bring a couple of ur crew members with u the B.R.G are dangerous and sneaky " the blue gangsta instructs
Pablo nods and leaves doing what he's told
"G , me and you are going on a trip. I put a tracking device in Carters phone one day because I didn't trust him it may help us find them"
G nods and gets the stuff to prepare for the war that just started.
They both get into the limo and began driving off , G gets onto his laptop and hacks into Carters phone finding where they are
"BINGO!" G says slyly
"Let me see" the gangsta takes his laptop and looks
"Hmm, in another city , in the Willington Hotel on 54th and 9th
Driver ! Take us there " he says getting his weapons prepared

U yell
"SHUT UP! I hear someone coming " someone knows on the door Carter with his gun ready behind his back goes and opens it
"Hello sir , we just wanted to ask you if u heard anything about the 2 runaways?" The manager asks
"Runaways?" Carter asks
"You didn't hear? They're were these two men that were running away from the police this morning and we are making sure they didn't check into here " he gives Carter a picture of the men
"I'm sorry sir but I never heard of such " Carter gives him back the picture
"Okay sir thank you for your time , please be careful " he smiles and walks away
Carter closes the door
"Okay he's in room 238 4th floor "
The fake manager says to the blue gangsta
"Thanks Gary now go enjoy the rest of ur day" the gangsta hangs up his phone and looks at G
"We got them let's go"
They charge into the hotel but with a state of mind to act like normal ppl going to check in the hotel
After they door they go directly to the room and knock on it
"Ahhhh what now? Third person today ! " Carter goes to it but hears a snicker
He looks at you and tells u to hide quietly
U do as your told holding a gun in your hand
Carter slowly unlocks the door standing behind it
The gangsta and G bust in looking around for the two of you
"I know they're in here! LOOK AROUND ! " the gangsta moves stuff G does as told
"Tear the place up if you have to "
U look through the crack of the door and see the gangsta and instantly get scared until you feel something grab u from behind u were going to scream until the person grabbed ur mouth
"It's me Carter calm down" he says so quiet , u do once u know it's him
And continue looking through the crack
"CHECK THE CLOSET! " the gangsta roars
U two knew you were caught before you knew it you both were revealed and brought to the gangsta
"Well well look what we have here " G smirks dragging you both to the boss without any protection
"We meet again Carter " he smirks and walks toward you two
"Hello...Yn , looking beautiful as always " he touches ur face sweetly but then slaps you and walks back "how did you find us?" Carter shouts
"Trackers of course" G laughs
The boss smirks
"Let's play a game , I'm gnna ask questions if u lie the other person dies if I don't like the answer you die, okay let's get started shall we"
The boss gets a chair
"Carter, is it true that u gave up yn for money ? "
He nods
"Is it true that I told u that if u ever left the gang I would kill u on the spot? Surprised I let you live for so long "
He nods slowly
"G who should I kill first ? Who do least like?"
G pushes you in the front of the boss
"Michael please ! Don't do this ! "
U plead crying and scared
"Michael please don't do this " he mocks u
"Your crys will only make me want to do it more and why not? After all this is your fault too" he laughs
Then instead looks at Carter
"Say good bye to Carter"
He says slyly and shoots carter ore than once to make sure he's dead
G watches smiling with blood lusted eyes
The gangsta looks at you
"I'll give you a choice sweetheart , you could be my sex slave again " he pauses and bites his lip
"I do miss that sweet ass or you could end up like your brother ........dead. Your choice really. Choose wisely I'll give u 20 seconds" he starts whistling

Ur pov
I don't want to go back to being his slave , but I don't want to die . this is my fault he's right . he killed my brother though and I want to see him suffer but at the end I'm going to die anyway
Brother just wait I'll there with you soon"
POV over

" time is up sweetheart, so what will it be?" The boss says
"I refuse to go back with you!" U yell
"Awwwwwww I didn't want to use this but I guess I have to, goodbye yn" with that said next thing you know your feel the sharp Piercing pain of the bullet , your Now lifeless body hits the floor with only seconds left of living u look over at ur dead brothers body
"I-Im sorry C-C-C-Carter"
After those words slipped through your lips , you died holding his hand

While the gangsta looks and smiles which turns into a laugh
Him and G make sure they leave no evidence but leave the bodies there and leave
"You ain't the friend of mine because I'm the Blue Gangsta "

The end


Tragic and wassup I'll update later on other than that gnight

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