∅∅15: Pranks

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U: so u want to be a bad ass huh?! Let's go

U say to a ready Michael who ur about to play fight

Michael: Let's go shorty!? Bet u gotta get a chair to reach me

U looked at him then jumped him making him fall

U: guess I didn't need a chair after all

Michael:-smirks- mhmm bet -sits on u-

U struggle to get up and pinch his the butt , making him look at u

Michael: hey I know its big but don't touch

U grabbed it

Michael: heyyyyyyyy -he scoots down- stop

U grabbed it Again

Michael: little girl , if you don't stop grabbing my ass.

U smirked

U: little boy if I want to grab the booty then I will, if I want to pinch the booty then I will, if I want to grind on the booty, I will -_- fuck you mean?

Michael: u think so?

U: heck yeah

Michael: okay got something for u too watch -gets up-

U watch him

U: same for u too -trips him and walks upstairs-

He grabs ur legs making you fall and goes upstairs , u get up jump on his back making him go down again and go upstairs

U two do this until u reach the room , before u guys could open the door Michael was on ur back , u were climbing with him on u and finally opened the door after struggling

U: get off me u booty flake eater! -struggling-

Michael: no little bill head ass mofo -lays there tired-

U:-doing same- I hate you -_-

Michael: I hate you too -_-

-the next day-

U wake up and make a bowl of cereal and sit at the table and eat but b4 u could sit there Michael took the chair making u fall on ur tush

U: MICHAEL!!!!!! -rubs tush-

He laughs and eats ur cereal going somewhere else

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