Chapter 1

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"Alright, bitches! Your tour manager is here!" I say, walking into the tour bus. I have not seen the boys in years.

"JENNA!" Jaime, Mike, Tony, and Vic tackle me to the ground.

"MEXICANS!" I yell back. 

"It has been years!" Tony says, spinning me around.

"How the hell did we lose contact?" I ask as they shrug. This is going to be an adventure.

-----------Present Day, Jenna's POV------------

"Alright boys, listen up. You have a longer set list tonight because you will be performing King For A Day with Kellin. We will see how the crowd reacts; If they like it we will keep going. Now get ready, sound check in an hour and a half!" I jump off the chair that I had been standing on and head towards the boys.

"Ma'am, yes ma'am," Tony says, saluting me.

"Dibs on shower!" I yell, racing to the small bathroom that is on the bus. The one thing that I hate about being Pierce the Veil's tour manager, I have to share this bus with four crazy men.

"Damn it!" Mike tries to tackle me to the ground. I slip from underneath him, running into the bathroom, and locking the door behind me. Crap! I forgot my clothes, but if I open the door I will lose the bathroom. Oh well. I have to smell decent for the boyfriend.

----------------Vic's POV--------------------------

I fall to the ground laughing as Mike falls on his face.

"Smooth." Jaime jokes; Mike flips him off.

"You cool with performing King For A Day?" Tony asks me. For some reason the boys think I have a crush on Jenna, but I do not. How weird would it be having a crush on your childhood best friend? I mean, sure she is beautiful, but she has Kellin now.

"Do not lie to us Victor Vincent." Mike threatens.

"I have not even responded yet guys, chill! Yes, I am fine with it. Kellin is a good friend. OK?" I stand up and storm off to my bunk.

-----------------Mike's POV------------------------

"He so likes her." Tony says, shaking his head.

"I am going to go check on him..." I say, walking away. I creep towards the bunks, careful not to make a sound

He takes your hand

I die a little

I watch your eyes

And I'm in riddles

Why can't you look at me like that

When you walk by

I try to say it

But then I freeze

And never do it

My tongue gets tied

The words get trapped

I hear the beat of my heart getting louder

Whenever I'm near you

But I see you with him

Slow dancing

Tearing me apart

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