Chapter 18

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play song now!!

----Jenna's POV----

I wake up around noon. I don't want to move. I groan and roll over.

"You ok?" Vic asks me. I wonder how long he's been up.

"No.. I don't want to function." He wraps his arms around me and nuzzle's his face into my neck.

"Neither do I. Want to lay in bed all day and watch movies?" He asks me. That sounds nice, but we can't.

"Vic, you have a show later tonight." He groans.

"Do I have to?" He complains, as he rolls to the right. Making him fall to the ground with a 'oof'. "Stay here, I'll bring you breakfast." I smile at him.

----Vic's POV-------

I fall out of the bunk. It didn't hurt that badly, since I'm close to the floor. I tell Jenna I'll bring her breakfast, and walk into the kitchen. I see Mike and Tony sitting at the table.

"Bro." Mike stands up, and hugs me tightly. I hug him back, trying my hardest to bite back the tears. I pull away and it's evident on his face that he's been crying. Alot. Tony hugs me, but not for long.That's what I like about him. Short and simple.

I pop some toast in the toaster and wait. The pieces pop out and I spread some butter and jelly on it for Jen. I pour myself a bowl of lucky charms. What's so lucky about a miscarriage? I sigh, grabbing out breakfast and heading into the bunk area once more.

---Mike's POV-------

~~~earlier that morning~~~

Why do I hear sniffles? I walk out into the living room and see Jaime laying down on the couch, in all sorts of distraught.

"What's up man?" It looks like he's been crying really hard.

"M-mike. Something terrible happened." He looks at me with so much emotion, it's almost like he isn't processing anything.

"What happened?" I take a seat next to him. Tony slips into the room and takes a seat next to me. Didn't know he was up.

"Jenna, sh-sh-she had a mi-miscarriage." My jaw drops. So there isn't a baby Fuentes growing in her anymore? I try to stay strong for Jaime's sake, but one look at Tony's face made me lose it. I was balling. Mentally cursing whoever or whatever did this. This is absurd.

I had money saved up, so that I can help by the baby stuff.

--------Vic's POV-----------

I don't like this at all. I hate seeing her so depressed. I'm trying my hardest to stay strong for her. For little Fuentes, that's no longer with us. I take out dishes and drop them off in the sink.

"Hey Vic..." I turn around to face Tony.

"Yah?" He shuffles his feet, looking at the floor.

"Um.. Well our performance has been cancelled. I don't really think that any of us can perform. Especially you." I smile at him. He's always the man with the plan. I pat his back as I walk by.

Instead of going to the bunk, I head to the bathroom. The doors closed. I hear a few sniffles. It's Jenna. She has this weird sniff. It's cute but yah. Obviously her. The sniffling stops and then it's silent. I hear her sigh a sigh of..satisfaction?

I open the door and I see tears running down her face. A small smile playing at her lips, a fresh cut across her wrist. Tears well up in my eyes.

-----Jenna's POV------

My cheeks are tear stained and my whole body hurts. I grab the blade and slowly drag it across my wrist. I smile at bit at the sensation. I hear the door open, I turn around and see Vic standing there. Tears forming in his eyes. I set the blade back down on the counter.

He comes up to me and picks me up, setting me on the counter. He places his hands firmly on my waist. Making sure that I don't try to squirm away. I wipe away a tear that fell away.

"Jenna. This isn't the answer. Cutting isn't going to bring him back. Trust me, this is hard for me too. I am trying so hard to stay strong. For you and him. I don't think he'd want us to go into a deep depression. Jenna, please. You know I'm here for you, and I always will be. After that night in the hospital, because you cut too deep, I hate thinking that you're doing this again. You know that I've been there too. Please, Jenna. Don't do this to yourself. " He takes a deep breath, a few tears streaming down his face. I start to cry as well.

"I love you. And so do alot of people. You are a strong, beautiful, independent woman, whom one day I want to make my wife. I know it's going to be a while until you want to think about kids, but he'll be back again. In a different body and a different form. I am going to take away all the blades and hide them. I don't want you to do this. Honestly, I love you. And every time you hurt yourself, I feel like I did something wrong. Just please understand you can always come to me, stay away from the blade. Please J-Jenna." I throw my arms around him and hug him close to me. I cry, and cry until there's nothing left. He pulls away first. I laugh a little. He looks at me weird.

"What? Don't you find it kinda funny that we're crying to each other in the bathroom? I mean, Mike takes explosive shits in here." He cracks up laughing and then sobers a bit.

"I'm taking the blades. If you need one to shave, tell me. I'll get you one. Then I'll be checking for cuts. It's because I love you." I smile. It may seem harsh, but it's because he cares. He reaches behind me and grabs the blade, and all the ones in my bag, and the boys too. I touch his arm and he looks at me. I grab his neck gently and pull his lips to mine. I kiss him sweetly, then I hop off the counter.

"Wait." He bandages up my cuts real quick, then hands me some of his bracelets to cover it up. So that the boys don't question me. I kiss him once more then walk out, towards the living room.

SO sorry it's short, and sad, but I just needed to get this up! I will update soon. I have band camp, so I'm going to be busy. Love you all thank you for the 2k reads! AHHH

Need to talk? Kik me: makayla_therese

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Twitter: Mak_Quinn

--xoxo Mak

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