Chapter 11

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Please do not hurt yourself tonight. By blades, flames, or anything. I love every one of you. I just relapsed and I hate the feeling. Don't do that to yourself I love you all so fucking much. kik me or tweet me if you ever need help.

kik: makayla_therese

twitter: Mak_Quinn


I'm doing a song of the chapter type thing now. The song for chapter 11 is:

Gorgeous Nightmare- Escape The Fate.


-------Oli's POV--------

The movie is finally over and we all decided to head to bed. Jenna fell asleep about 30 minutes ago. I really don't want to wake her up. I place our empty beer bottles onto the ledge behind us and shift her a little bit so that she isn't leaning on me. I slowly take the blanket off of her, set it behind her and pick her up bridal style.

"Psst" Lee looks over.

"Pull the curtain over please." He pulls it open and then collapses onto his bunk that is directly across from mine.

"Thanks." I set her in and pull the cover over her. I don't know if she'll want me with her. I'd rather not risk it. I kiss her forehead and close the curtain. I walk over to the couch and plop down, pulling the blanket over me. Restless night here I come.

----Jenna's POV-----

"You are the definition of perfect." I look around the white room and see absolutly nothing. The voice is familiar though.

"Hello?" I call out, I walk around aimlessly. Into nothing. Suddenly a person appears. Oliver? Why is he wearing a tux?

"Oli?" I say. "I am so confused." He wraps his arms around me.

"Don't be love, today is our day." I look around and suddenly the white walls have been dropped. There is an endless amount of people. Why is Vic crying?

"Does anyone object to this union?" Union? What the hell? I look down and see I'm wearing a wedding gown.

"I DO!" Vic jumps up and yells. "You can't marry him Jen, you belong with me darling, I can make you feel loved. Not this damn Brit." He walks closer to me.

"" I look to the floor and back up. "NO!" I scream out.

I wake up in a cold sweat, sitting upright. "Fuck." I mutter, rubbing my head. Where's Vic? I start panicking. Right...we're fighting. I get out of bed and walk to the front lounge. No Oli. I walk into the back and I see him passed out on the couch. That doesn't look very comfy.

I poke his cheek, and whisper, "Oli, wake up." He stirs a little, but continues sleeping.

"Oliver wake up." I say a little louder. Shaking his shoulder. He finally opens his eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asks groggily.

"Nothing, come to bed." I smile at him and offer my hand. He stands up, and takes my hand. We walk back to the bunk in silence.

--------Oli's POV-----------

Someone pokes my cheek. "Oli, wake up." I stir a little. Can't they see I'm trying to sleep here.

"Oliver, wake up." Oh, it's Jenna. She shakes my shoulder. I open my eyes and look at her.

"What's wrong?" I ask. God damn this couch is uncomfortable.

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