Chapter 22

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----Jenna's POV-----

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I break apart from the kiss, and look at Vic with wide eyes. Vic takes a step forward. Oli automatically steps in front of me, in a protective stance.

Vic growls through his teeth, "This is your one and only warning, Oliver. Move away from Jenna." I have never in my life seen him this pissed off before. You can almost see the smoke coming out of his ears. Oli looks back a little at me and whispers, "Go pack a bag." I slowly back away, up the stairs. I run to Vic and I's room, tears welling in my eyes. I already know this isn't going to end well.

----Oli's POV-----

I make sure I hear Jenna's bedroom door close before I begin to speak. "Vic, let's talk about this reasonably." I take a step towards him. Offering my hand as a peace motion.

"Don't you dare touch me." He hisses out his words. He's kind of scary when he's angry. Like a little mad Mexican leprechaun.

"Ok. ok. Please, let's sit down and talk ab-"

"What the hell are you doing here? Why were you kissing my fiancé?" He takes one step towards me.

"I gave her the option to stop. She didn't stop me. You hurt her Vic. Whether you see it or not. I did originally come to convince her to not marry you. But I pulled her sleeve back, fresh cuts. They weren't shallow either. She's moving in with me until you get your shit together." Vic walks up to me. Leaving barely any space between us, and pushes me.

"You stay away from Jenna." I take a step back.

"Make me." He goes to swing, but I casually stop his hand mid way.

"Think again. Do you think Jenna will appreciate if you hurt her best friend?" He death glares me. Jenna comes walking down the stairs, a bag in her hand. Vic looks past me and at her, his face automatically dropping.

"Jenna.." She ignores him and looks at me.

"Let's go." It's barely audible. I take her hand in mine, pushing her in front of me, away from Vic. I grab my bag and open the door. I look up, and see a cab.. the same cab that brought me here. What the..?

---Jenna's POV-----

I stand back a little, while Oli talks with the cab guy. He opens the door, taking my bag, and I slide in. I roll down the window, and chuck my engagement ring onto the lawn. Oli opens the door once again, and sits next to me. I scoot over, and lay my head on his shoulder. He grabs my hands and plays with my fingers.

"Everything will be ok." A tear rolls down my cheek. What has happened with my life.

"Where are we going? What's the plan?" I whisper. He places a hand on my lower thigh.

"We're going back to England. You're going to spend some time with me. I don't have any tours for a year. You'll be with me all of then, if you wish. Or you can go back to California, whenever. Just know, I'll keep you safe. I always have, and I always will." He kisses my forehead, and I fall asleep to the sound of his beautiful voice. England, expect a big mess.

sorry it's so short! I just want to get something to you guys, before my chance to update is gone. I love ya'll xoxo


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