Chapter 25

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----Vic's POV------------------

The news on Jenna's pregnancy didn't take long to travel around. The whole house is torn to shreds. This was OUR house. That was supposed to OUR baby. But no. I had to fuck up. Actually no, if Lexi hadn't put Jenna's life in danger, we would have been sitting here happy-fucking-ly with a baby boy..or girl in my arms. God damn! I grab the only lamp not broken and slam it against the wall. This is absolutely ridiculous. If she would have only listened to me.. I did swing at Oli..Doesn't matter. He had no right to be in my house without permission. 

I pick up my phone and try dialing Jenna's number again. Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring-Come on already- Ring Ring RingHey you've reached Jenna leave a message at the beep

GOD DAMN IT. Throwing my phone against the wall with the rest of the clutter, I go into what's left of the master bedroom and go into the night stand drawer. I rummage through all the papers and books until  I find what I'm looking for. Jenna's engagement ring. I remember the day she left. 

I can't believe Lexi. She can't honestly think she can keep this crap up.. Groaning, I open the front door of my house. When I look up, I see Jenna kissing Oli. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" I Yell. Jenna pulls away quickly, staring at me with wide eyes. I take a step forward, and Oli steps infront of Jenna. I would never physically hurt her. Him, is a different story. 

 "This is your one and only warning, Oliver. Move away from Jenna." I have never in my life been this pissed off before. They can probably see the smoke coming out of my ears. Oli looks back a little at Jenna and whispers something inaudibly. Jenna slowly backs away, and up the stairs. 

Oli makes sure he hears Jenna's bedroom door close before he begin to speak. "Vic, let's talk about this reasonably." He take a step towards me. Offering his hand as a peace motion.

"Don't you dare touch me." I hisses out the words. Oli looks kind of scared. 

"Ok. ok. Please, let's sit down and talk ab-"

"What the hell are you doing here? Why were you kissing my fiancé?" I takes one step towards him.

"I gave her the option to stop. She didn't stop me. You hurt her Vic. Whether you see it or not. I did originally come to convince her to not marry you. But I pulled her sleeve back, fresh cuts. They weren't shallow either. She's moving in with me until you get your shit together." I walk up to him. Leaving barely any space between us, and I push his chest backwards.

"You stay away from Jenna." He takes a step back.

"Make me." He is really asking for it  isn't he. I go to take a swig at him, but he stops it mid way. How dare he?! 

"Think again. Do you think Jenna will appreciate if you hurt her best friend?" He death glares me. Jenna comes walking down the stairs, a bag in her hand. I looks past Oli and at her, my face automatically dropping.

"Jenna.." She ignores me and looks at him.

"Let's go." She says barely audible. He take her hand in his, pushing her in front of him, away from me. He grabs his bag and opens the door, shutting the door behind him. 

Reality finally caught up to  me, and I drop to the floor. going away with Oli. Because of me. Did she really have cuts on her wrist? I stand up, hitting the nearest wall. I don't even care if I break my hand. Nothing could hurt worse than this.

I shudder at the memory as fresh tears threaten to spill over. How could I have I been that reckless? She's my entire world and has been since we were sixteen. I honestly do not believe that, that will ever change. I need to get her back and if that means risking my life against Lexi'ssquad of minions then so be it. She will be mine once again.

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