Chapter 7

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-----Kellin's POV---------

I landed about an hour ago and I'm in a taxi on my way to Katelynne's place. The only people that know where I am are my band..and I didn't even tell them the full reason as to why I'm coming.

"Thanks man." I tell the taxi driver, paying him. I grab my bag and walk up to the door. I take a deep breathe and knock. It seems like an enternity before she answers the door.

"Hey Katelynne." I say. She looks at me a minute and than jumps into my arms.

"Kellin." She breathes out. I hug her back very tightly. God have I missed her. I breathe in her scent.

"Come in." She grabs my hand and we walk in. I set my stuff next to the door and take a look around.The last time I was here, it wasn't a pleasent time.

"Come here." She says, patting the seat next to her on the couch. An envelope in her hand. I sit next to her and she hands me the envelope. I open it and see that it's an ultrasound. There's this little round thing on the paper. That's my baby. I start to tear up.

"Katelynne I have to tell you something." I place the envelope next to me, and blink back my tears.

"Kellin, why are you crying? What's wrong?" She puts her hand on my arm.

"Nothing I'm just happy that's all. Seriously though. Katelynne. You are my life. My love. My one and only. I don't know what I was thinking when we were fighting. It has been hell not having you here. I've been missing you so bad. I didn't think you would care. Can we please try to work this out and be together. If not for me, then at least for our child. Please Katelynne. I love you so fucking much." I say it slow yet all in one breath. She looks at me confused for a minute. Then does the unexpected. She kisses me. I kiss her back. This kiss was so full of passion and love that I didn't even know what to think.

"Let's try this again. For us. And the baby." She smiles at me.

"Did you know that you are absoulutly beautiful?" I lean in and kiss her again.

-----------Jenna's POV-----------


-----play song on side now---------

"Now can I have a hug?" Jaime asks me, sitting next to me on the couch. Like I said earlier, the rule is no hugs until they have showered. Excpect Vic tonight, that was an exception.

"Alright." He gives me a bone crushing hug. I laugh.

"Hands off my woman." Vic pretends to be a mean guy. Jaime just sticks his tounge out at him.

"Calm down babe! Jaime and I are just..messing around." I wink at Jaime and we start laughing uncontrollably. Vic just scoffs at us and pretends to be mad.

Vic sits on the couch opposite of us and refuses to talk to either of us. Not in a 'I'm mad at you for real' way. More of a 'I'm going to pretend to be mad so that Jenna will come over and kiss me' way. I get off my spot on the couch and sit on Vic's lap. My knees on either side of his legs, so that I'm facing him.

"Babe." I can tell he's trying really hard to touch me in anyway or look at me.

"Come on don't be this way." I pout.

I wrap one arm around his neck and use my other to push his right cheek my way. He looks around me, trying not to smirk. I stand up on my knees and lift his head up with mine. I kiss his lips slowly. He still doesn't budge. I run one hand through his hair and pull lightly. Damn. He's getting better at not giving in. I stop kissing him, and move down to his neck. I kiss his neck and start to suck on the skin. He clears his throat to cover his moan. UGH! He won't give up! So we're gunna play this way are we.

I move backwards and stand up, turning around and swaying my hips as I start to walk away. I throw my hair over my shoudler and start a slow stride towards the bus door. Sooner than expected, I feel Vic's hands on my hips.

"And where do you think you're going?" He whispers in my ear. Voice full of lust.

"You don't want me. I am going where I will be wanted." I say, acting like I'm mad at him and actually going to go get laid by some other guy.

"I'm sorry, babe, come back with me." He kisses my neck. I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss his lightly, but that's not how he wants it. He kisses me hard, his tounge tracing my lower lip. I refuse to let him in. He bites my lip unexpectedly. I gasp, and he slips his tounge in. We battle for domince.

I pull myself closer to him. Leaving no space between us. I move my hips in farther. He groans. I start grinding a little on him. I can feel him hardening against my leg. He picks me up and sits us on the couch. I run my hand up his chest and back around to his neck. He moves his hands for a split second. I take the chance to jump up. I run away laughing like a mad woman.

Did he honestly think that we were going to have sex with the other boys on the bus. Hell, we weren't even in a bunk. And I'm fucking loud. I can hear him yelling after me.

I run behind Jaime and he grabs the foam sword that was next to him. Why he even has one, I don't know, and I don't want to know either.

"You are going to regret doing that." Jaime says, laughing.

"Jaime, move over. I would like to talk to Jenna." Vic says, motioning me to come forward.

I step from behind and approach Vic. He grabs my hand and leads me back to where we were making out. He wraps his arms around my waist.

"That wasn't very nice." He whispers in my ear. His hands inching closer to my butt with every sentence.

"Oh, I know." I smirk at him. He rests his hands on right below my ass. Fuck. He remembers that I love it when he touches right there.

"You'll regret it darling." He leaves a hickey on my neck, leaving me breathless. He slowly grabs my ass, and trails his hand down as far as he can down my leg, making me groan.

"Back backs a bitch." He whispers in my ear. He winks at me, then slaps my ass and walks away towards Jaime.

"VIC" I yell after him. God damnit. I am going to regret ever doing that.


sorry its a short chapter, but my dad's here and I have't seen him in over a year.

Hope you enjoy new chappy tommarow or later tonight maybe.

happy 4 of july! Love you all x


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