Chapter 16

878 14 6

Song: Dilerious- Christofer Drew

Play at any time:)



----Vic's POV------

I wake up on the couch. Why am I on the couch? I groan, sitting up and rubbing my neck. That's going to be fun to deal with.

"Morning Vic." Jenna says, appearing out of the kitchen.

"Morning Jenna. Wait, what time is it?" I ask her, rubbing my eyes slightly.

"Umm..about eight thirty why?" She sits next to me on the couch and flips on the tv. Seriously? Why am I up so early??

"Do we perform today?" I ask her, secretly hoping that the answer is no. I mean, I love performing for the fans and's just I was hoping that I could relax today.

"Yes, and in about five hours on the kia soul stage." She takes a sip of her coffee. Damn it. I throw my head back, instantly regretting it. I mumble under my breath.

"Did you sleep wrong?" Jenna asks, I nod my head as best as I can. "Here, hold on." She hands me her coffee mug and gets up, walking off to get something. She comes back and moves my hair to the side, placing a patch of some sort on my neck.

"That should help." She says, smiling at me. God have I missed her. "I've missed you too." She laughs slightly.

"Did I say that out loud?" I rub my neck. Bad habit I have when I'm nervous. She winks at me, lifting the mug to her lips.

--------Jenna's POV----------

Vic's so cute. Wait what? NO. I shake my head and take another sip of my coffee.

"I was wondering, if wanted to maybe, if you don't already have plans, that is, if um ,you wanted to have lunch with me?" Vic asks nervously. I lean over and kiss his cheek.

"I'd love too." It's just going to be a friendly lunch right? Between two people whom are friends.. that are having a kid together. My phone vibrates in my lap so I pick it up.

From: Alexis- OMAM Manager

Watch ur bak bitch

I stare at my phone. Unable to move. I reread the text what seems like a million times. I set my coffee down carefully. Grasping my phone.

"Jenna, what's wrong?" Vic asks, shaking my shoulder. I didn't move. I look over as he takes my phone from my hand. He looks shocked then pissed.

"Don't worry about her Jen, nobody is going to let her near you. I won't, neither will Jaime, Tony, and Mike. I'm sure Oli would have her head if she even laid eyes on you." My face goes from shocked to relived to guilty. I haven't talked to Oli since last week. I'm staring to get worried. He seems to be avoiding me..

"I'm going to get cleaned up then head over to BMTH's bus. See what's up with Oli. I haven't heard anything from him." Vic smiles half heatedly. I know he doesn't like that I'm with Oliver...but still, he has to accept it. I shoot Oliver a quick text.

To: Oli <3

On my way over xx

I throw on some shorts and a loose Asking Alexandria shirt, hiding my itty bitty baby bump. I brush my hair out once more, letting my natural wave take place. I don't bother with makeup. I throw on my black converse with the pink laces and grab my phone.

"See you soon." I pat Vic's head as I walk off.

"Hey!" He calls after me. I laugh silently to myself, walking through the merch tents and head towards the bus with BMTH plastered on the side. I just walk in. Of course the doors unlocked.

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