Chapter 3

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-----------Vic's POV-----------

It's been two week since I broke down during the sound check. Jenna has been in our bus only when needed and talking only when necessary and only to Tony or Jaime, sometimes Mike, but never me. She reads my texts but never responds. She refuses to even look at me sometimes. And the times when she does look at me, it's with hatred and disgust.

"Bro, you have to talk to her," Jaime says, poking me to grasp my attention. 

"Why? She doesn't bother talking to me. I say, staring forward and into space.

"I am speaking on behalf all of us when we say this, you are so hurt. You drink your nights away and hit on random girls. You are emotionless and don't really get into it on stage any more. The fans are concerned about you. Man, you have to talk to her and if you dont, I swear to god I will and it won't be pretty." He starts shaking with anger with every word.

"Ok, I'll try." I say. I pick up my phone and dial her number. Of course she doesn't respond. I listen to her voice mail carefully. In the background you can hear Kellin's voice trying to get her attention. She laughs, then the beep goes. I set my phone next to me and look at the boys and shrug.

"I tried," I say. Jaime stands up and storms out of the bus.

"Fucking hell, Vic!" Tony stands up and walks towards the bunks.

"I'm sorry bro, I just can't." Mike stands up and joins Tony where the bunks are.

-------------Jenna's POV-----------------

"And then, -stops to laugh some more- He..He poured his water all over him right infront of her!" Kellin cracks up laughing, telling the story of how Justin met his girl. We all laugh a little except Justin, whose red with embarrassment. Suddenly, the bus door flings open and a ticked off Jaime comes in.

"Jenna, we need to talk NOW!" I have never seen Jaime so mad before.

"I'll be back.." I tell Kellin and follow Jaime to behind the arena, where nobody is. I stand there awkwardly while he sizes me up in disgust. I clear my throat a little bit to try and release the tension.

"Soo..... you wanted to talk to me," I say rather quietly.

"Yah! Jenna, you just can't ignore us like this. Sure, you shoot me, Tony, or Mike a text but seriously?! Vic has become so... not himself since you stopped talking to him. " He clenches his fists a little bit to try and control his anger.

"So what if I don't hang out with you guys as much anymore? I would like to see my boyfriend a little more you know?" I say, attitude hinting on a few words.

"JENNA! Vic has been hitting on random girls, drinking his nights away, and sleeping with countless women! You know damn well that he has never done that in his life!" Jaime starts to raise him voice.

"JAIME LISTEN TO ME!" I yell back. "I just want to hang with the SWS boys a little more ok? I'll be back on our bus eventually!!" Anger starts to creep up on me.

"No, you listen here. We all know that you don't want to hang around Vic any more because you know that he has feelings for you still. He is madly in love with you and always has been! You're scared that if you have an alone moment with Vic, your feelings for him will resurface! YOU LOVE HIM JENNA AND YOU KNOW IT!" I take a step back, not expecting Jaime to be the one to yell at me like that. Tears form in my eyes. I look away, trying to blink them back.

"I do not love Vic Fuentes anymore." I choke out.

"Oh shit, Jenna, I didn't mean to yell. Fuck." Jaime comes over and holds me close. I break down in his arms and he sits us down. Just letting me cry.

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