Chapter 10

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This chapter is deicated to my one of my best friends. Love ya Lexi! Edited======

-------Tony's POV--------

Jaime, Mike, Jenna, Vic and I are all hanging out in the back lounge playing truth or dare and having a drink.

"Alright," Jaime says, looking at me with a devilish grin. Oh shit. "Tony, truth or dare?"

"Ummm dare." I say. I hope to god that it isn't anything realted to the secret.

" I dare you Jenna. On the mouth." Fuck Man!

"But she's with Vic!" I protest.

"Vic never officially asked her out. She's techinally single. Do it now." I shake my head.

"NOW YOU TURTLE!" I look at Vic. He's blushing from Jaime's comment about not being official. I groan, and get up, and kiss Jenna. Holy shit.

-------Jenna's POV---------

Holy shit! Jaime I am going to kick your ass. I look at Vic and I can see he's pissed, but gives me a look saying it's ok. Tony comes over and leans down. I kiss him normally. No biggy. He sits back down across from me and looks down at his drink, kinda looking mind-blown. Jaime is looking at me with a werid rape face. Whatever.

"Jenna truth or dare?" Tony asks me.

"Truth." I really don't wanna get stuck doing something rediculous.

"Do you love Kellin?" He asks me. Vic looks at me.

"Yah, I mean-"

"I knew it!" Vic says, standing up and storming.

"What the hell! I was going to say as a friend!" I groan and get up, going after Vic. He's sitting in the front lounge. Sulking and being pissy.

"Vic, what the hell was that all about?" I ask, standing infront of him, my hand on my hip.

"YOU SAID YOU LOVE KELLIN!" I take a step back, he has never NEVER yelled at me. Especially since he knows my past.

"As a friend Vic. I love him as a friend." I say, tears welling in my eyes.

"Sure! GOD DAMN JENNA! I GAVE EVERYTHING TO BE WITH YOU!!" He stands up and takes a step towards me, a few tears slip over my eyes.

"I GAVE UP MY SECOND YEAR OF COLLEGE TO BE WITH YOU VIC! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT WAS TO GET BACK INTO THAT UNIVERSITY?! YOU DIDN'T RISK A GOD DAMN THING! LOOK YOU'RE DOING THE BEST IN YOUR CAREER THEN YOU EVER HAD!" I yell at him, the tears flowing freely now. His face goes from livid to longing. I never told him that I dropped Uni.

"Jenna.." He reaches for my arm.

"No.." I shake my head and walk away.

I go to my bunk and climb in. I shut the curtain, and pull out my phone.

To: Oli

Hey....Can I jump on your bus the next exit?

Oli Sykes has been my friend for years. He is my closest friend outside Pierce the Veil. He always knows what to do.

From: Oli

We're already here, I'll tell the driver to wait. xo

To: Oli

Thank you, be there in 10 xoxo

----Oli Sykes' POV--------

play song now ------>

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