Chapter 6

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--------Jenna's POV-------------

"Get the hell away from me!" Vic shouted in my face. Why is he doing this?

"Vic, please don't do this! I love you." I'm on my knees, begging him not to leave. He hits me straight across the face. I put my hand to my face in agony.

"If you loved me you would have never dated Kellin, my best fucking friend. God, you're such a slut. Not to mention you're fat." He smirks at me, kicking me in the stomach and laughing demonically. I close my eyes, trying to shut out the pain.

"Vic..." I wishper, before falling into a black abiss.

I wake up in a cold sweat. What the hell kind of dream was that?! Vic isn't in bed with me anymore. It doesn't look light enough for him to be up. I stand up shakily and climb out of my bunk. I walk to the bathrom and splash my face with cold water, trying to get that nasty dream out of my head. Does he really think I'm a slut....and fat? Shut up Jenna. It was just a nightmare.

I walk into the kitchen and see Vic preparing breakfast. He turns around and smiles at me.

"Morning beautiful." He says, reaching over the bar and kissing my forehead. I flinch at his touch a little bit.. He looks at me quizidlly.

"Morning Vic." I say, smiling at him to show that I'm ok. I don't know why that dream is affecting me so much.

------Vic's POV----------

Why did she flinch when I kissed her forehead? She usually loves when I do that. She throws me a fake smile.

"Morning Vic." She says. I smile back. I turn my back to her and continue making the bacon, for the boys anyway. Jenna's a vegetarian. I finish the bacon and take the waffles out of the cooker and start dicing the potatoes for Jen.

"Need a hand?" She asks me, moving off the stool.

"Sure." I smile at her, but she is still lenient. I wonder what's going on in her mind. She finishes the waffles and sets out the syrup, then sets the bacon on the table. Scrunching her nose.

"Hey Doll Face?" I ask her, she smirks and turns around to face me.

"Yes?" She winks at me. I size her up and wink back at her.

"Might want to put pants on. Ya know, before the boys wake up." I say, motioning with my hand to her body. All she slept in last night was my shirt and underwear. I don't even know if she's wearing a bra.

"Right." She mumbles. Walking back to the bunk area.

--------Jenna's POV--------------


Why did Vic want me to put sweats on? The boys have all seen my like this. In just a shirt and underwear. I know for a fact Jaime has. Vic and I used to share an apartment with him. Is it because he thinks that I'm a slut...or fat? God, that dream really messed with my brain. I hope that Vic doesn't feel that way.

Sighing, I put on my yoga pants. It's hot so I didn't want to put sweat pants on. I walk into the bathroom and look at my reflection. I have bags under my eyes and I have a zit forming in the middle of my forehead. And it looks like it's going to be huge. My hair is all knotted and thinning. Maybe it's because of my lack of sleep and stress? I turn to the side and lift up my shirt. My stomach isn't flat anymore and my boobs are saggy. I don't have a thigh gap either. My hips are too big and my arms..Ew.

I sigh, turning away from the mirror. I look down at the floor as I walk out, running straight into someone. Vic. I look up with fear and he looks at me with a look of sorrow. He takes my hand and I flinch.

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