Chapter 15

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Song of the chapter(play at anytime): Scene three- Stomach Tied In Knots- Sleepng With Sirens



---Jenna's POV----

The morning sickness has started to calm down. I creep out of bed and let Oli sleep a little more. Poor guy. On tour full time and taking care of his pregnant girlfriend as well. I don't know how he does it.

I walk into the lounge and see that Matt is up.

"Hey Matt." I say, walking past him.

"Hey Jen." He nods at me and I walk into the kitchen, pouring myself a glass of milk. I take a sip and walk back out into the lounge and plop down next to Matt.

"What the hell are you watching?" I ask him, mortified by the sight in front of me. I really don't want to watch a lizard lay it's eggs.

"I don't even know. You can change it." I grab the remote from his hands and flip to channel 49.

"Spongebob. Really?" He laughs at me.

"Yes, now shut up, this is my favorite episode."

----Oli's POV----

I reach over and don't feel Jenna next to me. I jump up and run to the bathroom. She's not there... I walk out into the lounge and see that she's on the couch with Matt watching Spongebob.

"Morning Matt." I nod at him. "Morning love." I say, kissing Jenna's forehead.

"Morning Oli." She says, scooting over so that I can sit beside her.

"I'm gunna take a shower." Matt excuses himself, walking up and leaving us alone. I wait a few minutes before I turn my attention to Jenna. She sighs, turning off the TV, and facing me.

"I don't want you to go." I say, placing her hands in mine.

"I know, but Vic wants to be part of the pregnancy. So I'm going back with them. We are still on the same tour for a few more weeks, so don't worry." She kisses me softly, and I kiss her back.

"What about after that? Come back with me. Come back with me to England." I plea desperately. I know what she's going to say, but I can't face the truth.

"I can't. I have to stay in the states so that Vic can be the dad he wants to be. If anything goes wrong, you'll know I'll be out there in a heart beat." She smiles at me reassuringly.

"I know. I just.. I'm in love with you."

----Jenna's POV------------

"I know. I just..I'm in love with you." He whispers the last part, but I heard him. I stare at him in absolute shock. He looks up and our eyes meet. He looks slightly scared of what I'm going to say.

"Oliver..I-I" He looks down, hand slowly slipping out of mine. "I'm falling for you too." He looks up, surprised at my response.

"Do you really mean it?" He asks me, scooting closer to me. I press my lips against his as my response. He places a hand behind my neck and the other around my waist. I have one hand on his leg, the other at the nape of his neck. This kiss if so full of passion it caught me off guard.

He moves his hand from around my waist and gently pushes on my hip. I lay down and he crawls on top of me. He has his weight on his hand that's by my head and the other on my hip. I have one hand barely touching his waist and the other around his neck.

His hand slowly, carefully, moves up torso and back down, lifting up my shirt a little bit. I gasp at the contact and he takes the chance to slip his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues battle for dominance. He's the first to pull away, both of us out of breath.

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