Chapter 13

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------Jenna's POV-----

I stand outside Pierce The Veil's bus nervously. I really don't want to do this, but I have to. *BEEP* I look down at my phone.

From: Oli Sykes

Good luck, love. I'm sure you can do it:) xx

To: Oli Sykes

Thanks xo

Somebody clears their throat and I look up and see that I'm face to face with Vic. I move over and he unlocks the bus door. We walk inside and sit on the couch in the front.

"So, where's the rest of the boys?" I ask him, trying to break this awkward tension.

"They wanted to give us privacy." He replies, never taking his eyes off of me. I shift under the gaze.

"Ok. Well, I'm sure you got the text." I fiddle with the hem on my dress. Usually I don't where dresses, but this one has skulls and roses on it. I got it from Hot Topic.

"Yes, and I'm sorry I didn't call. I was just in shock. I mean, I just. Yah..But I am really happy about it." He smiles at me and places his hand on my knee.

"I understand. I would be too. But here's the issue, we can't be together." Why the hell am I tearing up? You like Oli.. Right? Duh.

"What.. what do you mean? We, we're gunna have a kid together." His hand slides off my knee and his face drops.

"I know that. It's have too short of a temper and I just.. Can't handle that right now. I'm going to be staying with Oli for a little while. I'm sorry." I choke out the last part, trying my hardest not to cry. I look up at Vic and a tear rolls down his cheek.

"Jenna, please..." He puts a hand behind on my neck. I put my hand on his cheek, and brush away the tear.

"I'm sorry, Vic. But please respect my decision. I am happy with Oliver." Another tear rolls down his cheek. "I'm so sorry." He takes his hand off of me. I lean in a little and kiss his cheek. "I'll talk to you later." I stand up and so does he. He gives me a hug. I walk out of the door and see Oli standing there.

"Um...hi?" I say to him. Why is he right outside the bus?

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you're ok." We walk back to the bus. I go in and go straight to the bathroom, and close the door nearly all the way. I take out my razor and pull down the corner of my underwear, so my hip is visable. I break the skin, and watch it bleed.

-----Oli's POV-----

As soon as we get on the bus, Jenna goes straight for the bathroom. I didn't hear the door click though. I walk up to the door, and push it a little so that I can see inside. It takes a minute for my mind to process what is happening.

Right as she puts the blade to her skin, I whisper, "Jenna.." She looks up in horror. She puts the blade on the counter and sighs. A tear escaping. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. I spin her around gently, and set her on the counter, her legs are around my torso. She refuses to meet my eyes.

"Jenna, look at me." She continues to look down. "Jenna, please." I tilt her chin up so that her face is angled towards mine. She looks at me, eyes full of tears. "Why?" There's silence for a few moments, before she speaks up.

"What happened with Vic..It was unbearable. He..he was crying because we can't be together." A few tears escape down her cheeks. I wipe them away with my thumb.

"Love, if you need to be with him because of the baby, I understand." It's true though. If she wants/needs to be with him I understand. She shakes her head.

"No, Oli, I want to be with you." She places her hand on my cheek. I nod my head.

"But, if at anytime you change your mind, don't be afraid to tell me." I start to lean in and we kiss eachother gently.

---------Vic's POV---------

I watch as she walks out of the bus. I slowly walk to the kitchen and pull out a beer, a monster, whiskey, and gatorade. I pour a little of each into a cup and stir it up. I sit down on the tile and take a huge sip. I keep drinking. Why does she have to be with Oli. It's almost like she didn't love me at all. Maybe, he's just a rebound. Yah, sure Vic tell yourself that. I down my drink and try to stand up. Doesn't work so well. Woah, I'm getting light headed.

---------Mike's POV------

"Yah man, I totally didn't see the ending to that." Jaime says, refering to the movie we just saw. I laugh and walk onto the bus. I walk into the kitchen to grab a beer and see Vic unconcious on the floor.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I bend down to brother and check his pulse. It's barely there. Jaime and Tony come rushing into the kitchen. Tony pulls out his phone and calls the paramedics. Jaime looks around to see what happened.

"Guys, it's posioning. He mixed beer, monster, whiskey and gatorade." I sit there, stunned. Last time someone I love was in the hospital cause of posioning it didn't end well.. I tear up at the thought. The paramedics rush into the bus and pull me away from my brother.

I break down, dropping to my knees and crying. I got interupted by one of the paramedic's talking to us.

"One of you can ride with us." He looks at me. I look up at the boys and they nod for me to go. I stand up and race into the ambulence. Holding my brother's hand for dear life.

ok sorry for the cliff hanger kinda thing but i had to get this updated love u all

-xoxo mak

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