Chapter 19

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play song now

----Jenna's POV---

It's been three weeks since I had the miscarriage. Vic and I are both happy for the most part. No need to dwell in the past, but we will always love little Fuentes. Warp Tour ended two days ago, and we are currently on the way back to San Deigo. I feel someone poking my shoulder. I take out my ear buds and turn towards Vic.

"I have a surprise for you." I raise an eye brow at him. He smirks at me then turns to Mike, who's driving.

"Bro, drop us off here." I feel the van pull to the side and Vic covers my eyes. I giggle.

"Vic, what are you doing?" I hear him laugh slightly as he guides me out of the van so I don't trip.

"Ready?" He asks me.

"Yah." He shifts his weight a little. He whispers in my ear.

"One...Two..." He removes my hands and I'm left staring at a house. The most gorgeous house I have ever seen, with a sign saying 'Welcome home!' I gasp.

"Is this..?" I trail off, turning towards Vic.

"Welcome to our new home Darling." Vic rubs the back of his neck nervously. I smile, jumping into his arms.

"I love you Victor Vincent Fuentes." He spins me around and kisses me passionately.

"I love you too." We walk hand and hand into the house. It's exactly the color scheme and theme I always wanted. I turn to Vic, who has a sheepish look on his face.

"Erm.. my mom set it. I told her how you wanted the house and yah.." He smiles at me and I return it. I turn back around and start venturing the downstairs.

The kitchen has a silver/black/green theme and looks absolutely amazing. I love it. Very modern. I walk down the hallway and see a bathroom with a Victorian look to it. Reminds me of Jaime's house ahaha.

"Hey Jenna, can you come upstairs for a minute. I need help with something." I turn back down the hallway and find the stairs. Or should I say, 'the amazing spiral stair case' I walk up and stop.

"Which room are you in?" There was a game room with a balcony and three closed doors. One other door barely open.

"The one next to the game room." I open the door and see pink and white rose petals scattered all over the room. Someone clears their throat. I turn around and face Vic. A single red rose in his hand. He hands it me and I smile at him. He turns on the stereo and turns to me.

"May I have this dance?" I smile and take his hand. We dance to Stevie Wonder's 'Isn't She Lovely'.

----Vic's POV-----

This is it. I am going to propose to Jenna. As the song comes down to an end, I pull away from our dance. Grabbing both of her hands in mine, I get on one knee. One of her hands instantly flings to her mouth. Here it goes.

"Jenna Alderson, I have loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you when we were ten. Then we became friends at twelve, and that's it. I was in love with you. When you were sixteen, and that accident happened. God, I was so broken. When Jaime adopted you I was so happy I wouldn't lose you to a foster home and never see you again. When we were twenty three, and the band was slowly getting good, you always supported me and you always have. You're my reason to be the man I am today. You are my inspiration. When you were with Oli, my heart broke into two. I couldn't even move or perform. Now that I have you here, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you Jen. And I can't imagine a life without you. You are my voice, my heart, my reason to be, my world. Will you marry me?" Never breaking eye contact, I pull the ring out of my pocket. Tears fall slowly down her cheeks. She nods a vigorous yes.

"Y-yes. Vic, of course." I smile, so wide it hurts as I slip the ring on her finger. I stand up and hug her, picking her up slightly. She takes both of her hands, and grabs my face, bringing my lips to hers. This kiss... Was so much more than any kiss we have ever shared before. It so full of passion and love. It was as if gravity couldn't contain us.

This is it. I am going to marry the girl of my dreams.


Thank you so much for the 2.6k it means the world to me. I love you all for getting me so far.

Want drama? It's coming oh, don't you worry my dear ;)


Sorry it's so short. I only had twenty minutes to write it.

--xoxo Mak

kik: makayla_therese

intagram: those_bands_man

twitter: Mak_Quinn

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