Chapter 14

891 14 3

play song at any time you wish

song: I Write Sins Not Tragides by Panic At The Disco


------Oli's POV--------

*mickey mouse laugh* It's Jaime *mickey mouse laugh* Jenna's ring tone for Jaime, I'm assuming goes off.

"Hello?" She answers. Her face goes pale and the phone drops into her lap.

"Jenna, what's wrong?" I shake a little. She doesn't move, tears silently slipping down her face. I pick up the phone.

"Jaime, what's wrong?" I ask, full of concern.

"Vic, he's in the hospital with poisoning. You gotta be here man." His voice quivering.

"We'll be there." I hang up the phone and slip it into my back pocket. The only hospital around here is down the street so it's not hard to find. I grab Jenna's arm and pull her up.

"Let's go." We both run off the bus and hop into one of the vans warped has for us to take. I glance over at her and her face is emotionless. I grab her hand and rub the back of her hand with my palm. She looks over at me and gives me a fake smile. I return it, unable to form words.

I pull into the hospital parking lot and we jump out of the car and run in. I look around for one of the boys.


-----Jenna's POV--------

"OLI! JEN!" I spin around and see Jaime walking towards us. I let go of Oli's hand and run into Jaime's arms. He picks me up and hugs me to death.

"Jaime... W-what happened?" I barely choke out.

"Poisoning. He mixed alot of drinks." I pull away and see Jaime is on the verge of tears.

"I...I don't understand.." I trail off. When I look back up, fresh tears are rolling off his face.

"Let's go see Mike and Tony. Mike is taking it the hardest." I nod my head and reach for Oliver's hand. He wraps his arm around my waist instead and walks with me. Not saying a word. Jaime leads us around the corner and Mike sees me first.

"Jen?" Hi voice cracks and he clears his eyes a little to be able to see me.

"JEN!" He runs up to me and embarrasses me in a bone crushing hug. He crys into my shoulder and we sit down. Mike has his arms around me and he's crying.

"Mike..." He looks at me in the eye. And I just lose it. I break down in Mike's arms. Oli is rubbing my back, showing he is still here. I pull away from Mike and kiss his cheek, before crawling over and sitting on Oli's lap. I cry into his chest. He rubs my back and kisses my forehead.

"It's all my fault!" I mutter out. Oli pulls me back and look me in the eye.

"Why is it your fault love?" He looks at me quizically.

"Because I said that we couldn't be together." I cry even harder, soaking his shirt with my tears and staining it with my make-up. He just rubs my back, not saying any more. I know that he disargrees with me, but doesn't want to make a scene.

"Funetes Family?" All our heads snap up. "Oh my, there is alot of you. Well, we were able to flush his stomach and he will be ok. We will keep him here over night for observation. No hard core rocking. He must be sitting down while performing. You may go see him now." Mike is the first up and running into the room. The rest of us, file into the room in a more orderly manner. Sort of.

"Vic." I move to his bed side and grab his hand.

"Hey Jenna." He gives me a weak smile. I try to return the smile, but I simply can't.

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