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----Jenna's POV-------

"Jenna?" Vic calls out. He walks into the back lounge and I sneak up behind him, covering his eyes with my hands.

"Guess who?" I whisper seductively in his ear. He turns around and places my hands on his chest and moves his hands around my waist.

"Damn, Jenna." He mumbles. I reach up on my tip toes and kiss him gently. I grab his hands and back myself up against the wall. I place his hands on my waist again.

"I was thinking..this bet thing is ridiulous. I mean, this game. It's pointless. And if we want to have sex, we should be able to.. And I really have been wanting you lately." I say, running my hands up his chest and snaking one arm around his neck. The other still on his chest. "And I haven't been with anyone since the first time." I look down and blush.

"And I plan on making every moment count." He says. "And right now, all I want to do right now darling, is make you feel beautiful once again." I smile widely at him, he leans down and kisses me softly. Within seconds, my legs are wrapped around his waist and our tongues are battling for dominance. He starts kissing down my neck, leaving love bites everywhere. He starts sucking on my sensitive spot, making me moan.

"Babe." I breathe out.

"Hmm?" He says, kissing down my chest.

"Why don't we take this to the bed?" I ask him. He moves his hands to under my ass and lays me down on the air mattress.

"Hey Jen?" Vic asks, kissing my neck softly.

"Yah?" I reply, my mind only focused on Vic's touch.

"I love you." He looks me straight in the eyes the entire time.

"I love you too." I smile at him. He smiles at me as he leans in. He kisses me gently at first, but with an obscene amount of passion. The kiss starts to heat up and he traces my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I gladly let him in. He breaks the kiss for a split second to take off his shirt and kick off his shorts.

He unclips the top half of my lingerie and tosses it somewhere. He kisses down my chest and sucks on my nipples.

"Babe, you don't have to be so gentle. I'm not porcelain." I joke with him.

"Oh, I see. You want on the rougher side." He winks at me, then takes off my panties. I wink back at him and he rubs my throbbing clit before entering two fingers inside me at once. I gasp at the sudden contact. It's  suddenly hard to breathe. I haven't been touched this way in years. 

   Vic kisses me, our tongues dancing around. He grabs my side and I moan into his mouth. He removes himself from me and starts to eat me out, my breathing comes out unevenly as his tongue trances me. "Fuck.." I mutter out. He smirks, and kisses me down there before he comes back up.

He flips us around. I kiss down his jawline and neck. Smiling a little into each kiss, pushing him over the edge. I leave a love bite on his lower neck, near his collar bone. He curses under his breath. I palm him while kissing down his chest. I take off his boxers and take him in my mouth. I forgot how big he is. I moan a little, the vibrations driving Vic wild. He bucks his hips a little bit, making me gag slightly. I suck him until he absolutely can not handle it anymore then I come back up and he flips us over.

"You ready?" He asks me, looking straight into my eyes, I nod. He places himself at my entrance and slowly eases in. I groan in pain and pleasure.

"Tell me if you ever want me to stop." I nod my head understanding. He picks up the pace and thrusts harder and faster. I dig my nails into his back and moan.

"Babe, I can't hear you." he whispers in my ear, in a kind of joking matter.

"Vic.." I moan out. Unable to control the sounds that are coming out of my mouth.

"What?" He says, pretending not to hear me.

"VIC!" I scream out, as he thrust harder, hitting my g spot.

"I'm- I'm about to." Is all I can mutter out. He nods.

"On three,  look at me." I look at him, and we mentally keep count.

One..Fuck so close. Two...Come on just one more. Three, I scream out his name. Our eyes never breaking contact.

"Fuck Jen.." He rides himself out, then collapses next to me. We take a minute to catch our breath, then I look over at him.

He's already looking at me, smiling. I smirk, and start to blush.

"You are so beautiful." He says, scooting over and wrapping his arms around me.

"Thank you." I muttter, looking down.

He sighs/scoffs and buries his face into my neck. "How the hell do you do this to me?"

"I don't know." I say, smiling like an idiot. "I love you." I say.

"I love you more." He says, kissing my forehead.

"Forever." I say.

"And Always." He kisses my lips gently.



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