Chapter 12

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-----Jenna's POV------

I lay in bed and just stare at the wall. It's been two weeks since Oli and I kissed. I don't even know what we are. We sleep in the same bunk and all, but since we kissed nothing else has happened that's out of the ordinary. It's really been bugging me. It doesn't help that I have had morning sickness for a week. It makes me worry. About that night...

----Oli's POV------

I feel Jenna climb over me. I run behind her and into the bathroom. I pull her hair back and rub her back. When she's done, she stands up and goes to the sink, brushing her teeth. Just like her, I have gotten barely any sleep this past week.

"The next stop is in a few minutes." I tell her. She nods her head and groans. I leave her in the bathroom to change. I need to make this official. Damn it Oliver! Make your move. She comes out and sits next to me on the couch. The other boys are still asleep.

"Hey Jenna, I was thinking.. If we both still have feelings for each other then why aren't we together? I mean. What I'm trying to say is, will you be my girlfriend?" I ask nervously, fiddling with the hem of my shirt. I look up and see her smiling.

"Of course." I mentally sigh of relief. I lean in and kiss her gently. She smiles into the kiss, making me slightly pull away to smile at her. She is so beautiful.

"BOYS AND JENNA WE ARE HERE!" The bus driver calls to us. We are no where fancy, just a gas station in the middle of no where. We both walk off the bus. I go for the drinks and food and she goes somewhere.

----------Jenna's POV------

I leave Oli's side and go straight to the pregnacy tests. I grab three. Just in case and also a box of condoms. Vic always supplied them, and if I ever want to with Oliver.....

I quickly go the stand and check out. Finishing before the rest of the boys. I put the tests under the sink, and the condoms in my tampon box. They will never look there. Sooner than later they all file in. They start making lunch, while I drag Oli with me.

"Hey.. Um, I-I thinkI'm pregnat. I bought some t-tests and am going to take them." He kinda stares at me dumbfounded then responds.

'I'll love you either way." I nod, and he kisses my forehead and I walk to the bathroom. I follow the directions and set the tests on the counter. I walk out and sit next to Oli.

"I'm scared." I say. He hugs me.

"Do you want me to look and tell you or..?" I nod my head. He gets up and walks to the bathroom. I sit there, panic over taking my body. All the way from here, I can hear Oli take a deep breath. I hear the tests hit the trash bin. He walks over to me, his face neutral.

"Jenna, you're-"

-----Vic's POV---

"Guys, I think I'm going to skype mom and dad." I say, getting up from my spot in front of the tv and heading to my bunk.

"Tell them I say hi!" Mike says. I wave my hand back signalling that I'm going to.


I stop in the middle of my walking to see a text from Jenna. Jenna? I haven't heard from her in weeks.

From: Jenna<3

Vic....I'm pregnate.

--------Jaime's POV-----------

I watch Vic walk away, when his phone beeps. He looks down at it, his phone slips out of his fingers. He drops to his knees. I look at the others and they haven't seemed to notice. I walk over to him and pick up the phone. I read the text. It's from Jenna. SHE'S PREGNATE?!

I look down at Vic and see that he's unable to do anything. I call her.

"Hey Vic." Her voice is strained.

"It's Jaime. Vic is.. Honestly he's in shock. Is it his?" I ask her.

"Yes. It is. After you boys perform at the next location, I need to talk to him. I got to go. Uhhhh...Oli's calling me. Bye Jaime. Love you."

"Love you too Jen." I look down at Vic, I go down to his level.

"It's yours." He looks up at me, but can't say a thing.

sorry it's kinda short but im really busy will update later probably.


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