Chapter 4

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-----Jenna's POV--------

I wake and shift my weight to face Vic. I smile at him sleeping. He looks like an angel.. He is just so cute when he sleeps. He makes a weird derp face causing me to laugh. My choked giggles causes him up, his eyes fluttering open.

"Morning Jen." He says, pulling me closer to him.

"Morning Vic Vince" (my nickname for him) I say back, smiling at him.

"What's on the agenda for today?" He asks me.

"Not much, were driving all day to the next city, we'll arrive around midnight." I say, climbing over him and off of his bunk.

"UGH! It's cold now!" Vic complains, wrapping the blankets tighter around him.

"Well, not my problem from your lack of blankets," I say, sticking my tongue out at him. I smooth my hair out before walking out into the lounge. The only person up is Jaime.

"Mornin Disney." (again a nickname)

"Well, if it isn't Miss Alderson. Still in your clothes from yesterday. Tisk Tisk." I slap his shoulder as I sit next to him. "So what happened?! I want all the details." He turns and sits Indian style in front of me. Looking as interested as a teenage girl wanting to know all about her friend's date.

"Well," I turn my body to face him."Last night was amazing. Vic and I watched movies, played countless games, made smores, made odd drink mixes, and make each other try them. We fell asleep as soon as I turned on The Notebook. Neither one of us like it, I put it on so we can make fun of it. And it was just..." I stop, trying to think of the correct word to say. "Amazingly awesome." I sigh, contempt with my answer. 

---------------Kellin's POV----------- 

I can not believe this. Does she even like me? Or does she like me because I remind her of Vic? UGH! I mean, at first she reminded me of Katelynne. So I guess that I see her point. I just don't understand why she is staying with me if she loves Vic? I want to know how much she loves him...Maybe she loves him just like I love Katelynne...WAIT fuck! Damn it. I just admitted that I still love her. Smooth Kell. I have been trying so hard to admit that I don't have feeings for her anymore. Whatever. I sigh.

"Hey man, why the long face?" Jesse asks me, sitting next to me on the lounge couch. I didn't even realise that he was awake.

"Its just...I admitted to myself that I still love Katelynne." I groan. I tell everything to Jesse. EVERYTHING.

"You finally realised that you still love her, finally. What about Jenna though?" He takes a sip of his beer. How can he be drinking this early?

"I don't think she will be a problem. You know I was with her as kinda a rebound. She reminded me of Katelynne. Plus, when I went to look for her yesterday night when she was talking to Jaime, she admitted she still loves Vic. And that she said yes to me cause I reminded her of Vic... So I don't think that dumping her will be an issue.

"I heard you crying last night man, are you sure you're ok with being a single pringle?" He gives me a sympathetic look.

"It just took me by surprise, that's all. I thought I really liked her, but I guess that I don't. I was thinking and doing some soul searching last night... I was crying becuase I thought about all Katelynne and I had...At the next stop, I need to break up with Jenna. I think she will understand." And with that, I get up and head for my bunk. I didn't sleep at all last night. Jesse huff an 'ok, good luck mate' as I walked away.

-------Jenna's POV------------------

"Jenna, you need to break up with him." Jaime says, we are still the only ones awake..Guess Vic went back to bed.

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