Chapter 9

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------Jenna's POV---------

I yawn and open my eyes to see a peacefully sleeping Vic next to me. I smile at his face. His lips are slightly parted, light snores esacping. I lean over and gently kiss his lips. He slowly starts to open his eyes.

"I wish you woke me up like that more often." He says, kissing me again.

"Hmm, we willl have to see what I can do." I wink at him.

"So the bet?" Vic says smirking.

"We both lost." I say smiling at him.

"So we both have to go lick Jaime's feet?" Vic says, scrunching his nose.

" we both won." I say, I do not want to lick his feet.

"Deal." He chuckles. I start to get up, he pulls me back into him. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks me.

"It's -I look at the clock infront of us- ten babe, I would like to go get cleaned up." I smile at him. He groans, and lets me go. I throw his shirt on just to make the short journey to the bathroom. I jump into the shower and clean up. I walk out once done, and walking to the bunk area. I put on fresh underwear, a bra, and one of Vic's shirts. It reaches mid-thigh. I brush my hair out, brush my teeth, and take a deep breath.

"Vic?" I call out.

"Back here." He says, I walk into the back and see him cleaning everything up, and he's panicking?

"Babe, why are you panicking?" I ask, leaning up against the wall.

"We didn't usea condom." He stares at me with wide eyes.

"It's ok, I'm on the pill." I say, laughing.

"Thank god." He mutters, breathing out loudly. I walk over to him, and stand right infront of him. I place my hands on his arms, rubbing my hand up and down his right arm.

"You're funny Vic." I say, moving closer to him.

"And you look beautiful." He says, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Thank you." I smile up at him. I kiss him softly. "Let's go see what the boys are up too." I say, yanking on his hand.

We walk to the front lounge and see them all hanging out. Jaime wolf whistles.

"Told ya you were gettting some." Mike said, pointing an accusing finger at Vic.

"So glad we got back once ya'll we already passed out." Tony mutters.

"Losers, what's for breakfast?" I ask.

"Vic." Mike laughs like no tomorrow. Apparently he thinks that was funny. We all just shake our heads.

---------Kellin's POV------------

We have four days off Warped, so I have decided to surprise Katelynne. I didn't waste nay time getting on a plane. Thank god she gave me a key last time that I was here. I unlock the front door and hear my voice flooding the house. Cute, she's listening to us when I'm gone.

I drop my bag by the door and creep through the house. I see her turned around in the kitchen, her back to me, cleaning, in only a shirt that I let her keep and underwear. I sneak up behind her start singing with myself (if that makes sense) and put my hands on her hips, swaying to the music with her. She jumps and turns around. She stares at me like I'm from another planet then jumps into my arms.

"Kellin! What are you-" I cut her off by kissing her.

"Mm, I have a few days off Warped and decided to come see you and the babe." I wink at her and pat her stomach. She gives me a werid look but blows it off.

"I've missed you so fucking much." I say, kissing her again.

"We are going out. Go get ready." I say, I'm not entirely sure where exactly I'm taking her, but I'll figure it out. I slap her ass as she walks past me. She makes a kissy face me and winks. Damn.

okay what do ya'll think?! this was a drag to write, but I had to for those of you who skipped the rated x part. Love you all! xx


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