Chapter 21

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-----Oli's POV-----

"Excuse me, Mr.Sykes." I take out my head phones and look up at the airplane hostess.

"Would you like anything to eat? We have a cold cut turkey sandwich or spaghetti." I shake my head.

"Thank you love, but I'm not hungry." I decline her offer, there is no way I am able to eat, with what I am about to do.

"Ok, let me know if you need anything." She says, smiling at me and walking away.

I tap my foot nervously to the beat of the song. In less than four hours, I am going to be in America. Not just because I felt like it, but to convince Jenna not to marry Vic.

These last two months have been hell on me. I can't just sit around, pretending that I like Hannah, and that Jenna and Vic's marriage isn't affecting me.

I've cut myself once. Then stopped when I thought about my fans. They would be very disappointed in me, when they stop because I don't like it when they do it. I'd be a horrible idol.

Maybe, just maybe, sleep will help me. I close my eyes and hope that soon, sleep will overwhelm me.

-----Jenna's POV---

These past two months have been hell. Sure, the fans support us one hundred percent. I couldn't have asked for better. But Vic..

The wedding details are practically complete. We chose the colors, black and red, and I have my dress. Vic and all the boys have their tuxes. Mike is going to be Vic's best man, and Tony, Jaime, and Kellin are his groom's men.

My bridesmaids are the boys girlfriends. And my maid of honor is Katelynne. Kellin and Katelynne's little baby, Copeland is going to be the flower girl. Vic's cousin is going to help Copeland out. We aren't going to have a ring bear. Instead, Mike is going to hold the rings.

TWEET TWEET. I look down at my phone.

1 new tweet: @olobersyko: America here I come!

WHAT?! I reread the tweet over and over again. Is he really coming out here? For what reason? The only times he comes out here is to see me or because he has Bring Me The Horizon things to do. Jenna, calm down. Maybe he has a signing tomorrow. Yah, let's go with that.

"Hey Jenna?" I compose myself and turn to face Vic.

"Yah?" He comes over and wraps his arms around me.

"I'm going out with Jaime, I'll be back in about an hour or two. Mike's here if you need him." I nod. He kisses my head and walks out the door. He is rarely home anymore. It bugs me. Alot. He doesn't tell me where he's going. I don't ask either.

-------Oli's POV------


I landed at LAX at about three o'clock. Adrenaline is pumping through my body. I signed a few autographs and took a few pictures. I hop into a cab.

"Where's it gonna be?" The driver turn around to look at me. "Hey! You're Oliver Sykes." Great.

"Yes I am. San Diego please." He furrows his brows.

"That's an awful mighty ways. You sure you want to take a cab there? I charge by the mile." I nod.

"Yes I'm sure, just please hurry." He turns around in his seat and turns the cab back on.

"Alright there British man. San Diego it is. Really quickly, my niece is a huge fan. And she gave me this, just in case I saw you. Mind reading it?"

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