Chapter 8

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-----------Kellin's POV-------------

I cannot believe my luck. I was finally back with Katelynne and am expecting a little girl. I left over a week ago and a half ago, but I made every moment count. God I miss her. Ugh, I hate the time difference. We can never face time or skype.

"CONGRADULATION DRINKS GOING AROUND!" Jesse busts in the door with a crowd behind him. Mike, Tony, and Jaime from Pierce the Veil, Jack and Alex from All time Low, Austin Carlisle, Oliver Skyes, Christofer Drew, and the rest of my band. Every other person with a pack of booze in their hand. Except Mike. He brought three bottles of whiskey. Always count on Mike for that.

"Guys! Thanks!" We all pass the drinks around and start chatting and playing never have I ever.

"OK GUYS! I GOT ONE!" Jaime says. "Never have I ever, dated/ banged/ kissed/ or had any sexual connection with another bands tour manager." I take a swig. Expected. I dated Jenna, but never did anything sexual. We were all surprised when Jack took a swig.

"Lexi and I had a 'friends with benifits' kind of relationship. That is until she got her current man." He took another swig. "Damn. she was a freak in the sheets." he said winking at us.

"DUDE! YOU SLEPT WITH MY MANAGER!" Austin says, nearly gagging on his drink.

"Damn right!" Jack states proudly. EW! Her face looks like a walrus. Opps.. Be nice Kellin.

The rest of tonight should be interesting.

-------------Jenna's POV-----------

Later that night, Vic and I made a bet to see how long we can go without touching each other sexually. It's been two weeks since that night. It has been hell. Sometimes, he will kiss me goodnight, but with alot of passion. Other times, he'll walk around the bus in just his boxers. Oh, the other night, much to my protest, went clubbing. And it was really hard not to dance on Vic. He got really aggitated that I was up grinding on other men. He almost lost the bet.

I personally think that he's going to lose the bet. The guys know of it, so they let me walk around in whatever. Some days, I'll wear long pants and a loose shirt. Then that night, he'll be exausted and I'll be wearing skimpy lace underwear and a tank top. It drives him wild.

Right now, they are onstage and Vic is wearing shorts and his SD tank. His SnapBack is on the right way and his hair is kinda curly in the front. He's all sweaty and for once, it looks sexy. I groan in frustration.

"You ok?" Steve, the guitar guy, asks me (a/n idk if that's his name).

"I'm just fine." I say, shrugging. I need him. Now.

"Hey Steve, take Jaime, Tony, and Mike for drinks right after the show? Tell Vic to meet me on the bus." I ask him.

"Ooh ok." Steve winks at me and I walk off. I climb onto the bus and start rummaging through the drawers.

Why the hell do the boys have an air mattress? Whatever I'm using it.

I start that up. It fits right on the floor between the couches in the back lounge. I go to my suit case and take out the candles I hid in a tampon box. So the boys won't look in it. I set the candles all around and light them.

I get a text from Steve.

From: Steve

Vic is on his way.

CRAP! I'm not ready! I super speed change into some lingerá I bought a few stops back. It's a deep blue with white lace and some skimpy lace stockings. You know, the ones that end mid-thigh. They're white with a little blue bow. I set the condom behind one of the candles.

I set my phone into the stereo and turn on some music to fit the mood. I hide behind the small, but tall cabinet right before the lounge. I lower the lights and soon enough the bus door opens.

--------Vic's POV---------

I look over to the side stage and see that Jenna isn't there. We finish our last two songs and I wish the fans luck, tell the to stay strong, and we love them. I hand my guitar to one of Steve's assistances.

"Yo Steve!" I call.

"Hey Vic." He replies. He text someone then looked up. Mike and Tony and Jaime have joined us.

"Where's Jenna?" I ask automatically.

"Boys where going to go get a drink. Vic you are confined to the bus." Steve says. I look at him with confusion.

Mike wolf whistles. "Get some!" I roll my eyes.

"Can't dumbass. The bet?" I groan. Hate this bet.

"Maybe she is losing volentarily." Tony says, shrugging. I think about it. Maybe Tony's right. Her biggest issue was the other boys on the bus...Hmm..

"Im gunna go now...Peace." I say in a hurry. I go to the bathroom real quick and try to wipe of some sweat. Jaime walks into the stalls.

"Gunna need this." He hands me axe, deodorant, and a condom.

"Thanks, thanks, and umm thanks." I quickly freshen up then head out, stuffing the condom in my pocket. Quickly putting on the deodorant and axe, handing them back to Jaime.

"Hey, I do not want to be an uncle yet." He winks, walking out of the bathroom.

I practically run to the bus. Some fans tried to stop me, I signed a few autographs and took a few pics, then busted my ass to the bus. Finally. I open the door and call out.



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