Chapter 2

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-------Jenna's POV--------

What did Vic mean 'I can't. It might ruin us...or her' Who the hell was he talking about? I rub the back of my neck and grab my work phone and folder. I fix my clothes a bit, trying to get out the wrinkles from when I woke up Kellin. I sigh and head towards the living room area.

"Alright boys, you read- oomph" I ask, tripping over my own foot in the process.

"Careful there, a " Jaime says, helping me regain balance. I mum thanks and shoot him a smile.

"Let's go!" I say, looking back at the boys while walking down the bus steps. "SHIT". I start to fall then a pair of arms catches me.

"Careful babe!" I look up and see Kellin standing there. He lifts me off the last step, spinning me around and then setting me down.

"Haha, thanks! What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Figured I keep you company while they have the sound check. Hey, Guys!" Kellin waves behind me.

I grab his hand and we walk off with PTV right behind us.

----------Jaime's POV------------

"SHIT!" I run towards the door to see Jenna falling. I reach to catch her arm, but Kellin already has her. Wait Kellin? He picks her up, spinning her around, then sets her down. Awww. I look back and see Vic intently looking over my shoulder. I pat his back. He looks like a little kid whose parent said that they can't go to Disney Land.

"Don't think about it too much," I whisper. We head off the bus and Jenna looks behind her shoulder, making sure that we're following. She shoots us all a smile and continues walking, hand in hand with Kellin. They are so cute but after what she told me about how she used to feel about Vic back before we lost contact makes my head spin. I mean, she has only know Kellin what? A month? Maybe two or three? Vic was her first kiss and her first time with umm yeah. Sexual intercourse. I don't know how all those feelings just washed away.

"JAIME!" I shake my head and see that we have walked to the sound check.

"Sorry!" I say all too quickly. Mike hands me my bass with a suspicious look.

------------Kellin's POV-----------------

Jaime looks between me and Vic and back again. I look at him quizzically, then they went on stage. Weird, I wonder what's going on. I'll have to talk to him later.

"Hey, hey, hey babe, hey," I say, poking Jenna.

"Wha-" I cut her off my kissing her. She doesn't respond at first, then she kisses me back. She was smiling so widely that we weren't even kissing anymore.

"I just wanted to say that you're beautiful." I smile at her. She just kissed me as a response. We pull away and I wrap my arms around her.

"Are you a 90-degree angle?" I ask her. She looks at me with confusion.

"Cause you're looking right to me." I wink at her and she burts out laughing.

---------------Vic's POV-------------------

During the instrumental part of Bulls In The Bronx, I look over and see Jenna wrapped in Kellin's arms. Her head is thrown back laughing, her hand on his chest. He looks at her with so much adoration it's almost sickening. I groan.

"Hey, guys!" I get my bands attention and they stop playing and look at me.

"Can we play Mr.Brightside by The Killers?" They nod their heads and Mike counts us off. I get so into the song, tears start forming in my eyes.

I'm coming out of my cage

And I've been doing just fine

Gotta gotta be down

Because I want it all
It started out with a kiss

How did it end up like this?

It was only a kiss

It was only a kiss
Now I'm falling asleep

And she's calling a cab

While he's having a smoke

And she's taking a drag
Now they're going to bed

And my stomach is sick

And it's all in my head
But she's touching his chest now

He takes off her dress now

Let me go
And I just can't look it's killing me

And taking control
Jealousy, turning saints into the sea

Swimming through sick lullabies

Choking on your alibis

But it's just the price I pay

Destiny is calling me

Open up my eager eyes

'Cause I'm Mr. Brightside

When I open my eyes, I see Tony and Jaime had stopped playing. But just like me, when Mike's into a song he doesn't notice his surroundings. Jaime, Tony, Kellin, and Jenna, are all staring at me. I clear my throat and they all snap out of their stares. By now, Mike has stopped playing.

"That...damn Vic!" Tony says, shaking his head in a good/ unbelievable way. Jenna looks at me quickly, whispers to Kellin, and they look back once and walk away and out of the arena.

"Fuck.." I mumble. Dropping to my knees on the stage, throwing my guitar off somewhere and start to tear up. I try to hold it in, but as soon as Mike says 'its ok' I break down.


Yay or nah? I promise it gets better


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