Chapter 24

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-----Jenna's POV-----

eight months later

Vic and I have pretty much cut  each other out of our lives. I still talk to the rest of the boys though. I heard Vic has a girlfriend now, Lexi? I don't know. I don't care.

Things have been going better since I moved to England. I have a steady job, and I am a lot happier than I ever was in California. Oli and I have this friends with benefits thing going on.. I don't know it's an odd process. It's rather enjoyable though, it's almost like a constant game of tease. Speaking of the master of the game.

"Jenna! I'm home." I smile to myself as Oli plops himself down next to me on the couch and kisses my temple lovingly. 

"Well hello to you too mister." I say turning towards him, "Ok. Chinese or americanized italian food," I ask him. 

"How about you and me, tonight, seven thirty, at the nice italian restaurant down the street from the Globe?" Oli leans in close and whispers in my ear, "And maybe we can bring dessert back here." With that, he stands up, winks at me, and heads towards his room. "We are leaving at seven so be ready, love." Ughh, I just want him now, fuck dinner. Glancing at the clock by the tv it's already six.

 I head towards my room, opening my closet and search for the sexiest dress I have. I settle on a sleek, black, lacy dress with an open back, that ends mid thigh. I slip out of my pajama bottoms and current undergarments. Replacing them with a pair of black lace underwear, matching bra, and the dress.

I walk to the bathroom, and turn on the curling iron and start curling my hair, once the iron is hot enough and then I start with my makeup. Powdered foundation, blush, cat-eye style eyeliner on my upper lid, and eyeliner on my waterline with some mascara on my top and bottom lashes. 

"Jenna, we have to go." Oli calls from the front of the flat.

"Almost done!" I apply some bright red lipstick and throw on my red stiletto pumps. When I reach the living room, I see Oli standing there, looking down at his phone. 

"Well doesn't someone know to clean up." I say, admiring his choice of a white button up shirt with a nice blazer,  skinny jeans, and his vans. 

"Same to you," He says. Walking over to me, he grabs my waist and pulls me towards him, "but I think that dress would look better on my bedroom floor." Oli lets go of my waist and places his hand on the small of my back, leading me towards the front door.


"So, how was the shop today?" I ask, as the waiter sets the check receipt, and Oli's card down on the table, smiling at us.

"It was a slow day. We had some customers. We took some pictures, signed some autographs. The usual. How were the kids?" Oli says, putting his credit card away. The kids- as in the younger patients at the hospital I work at. 

"They were good today. I played some board games, played with some barbies and some action figures. I read Where the Wild Things Are to them today. They all seemed to enjoy it." I say, taking one last sip of my wine.

"That's good, are you ready?" I nod my head and stand up, exiting the restaurant. 

"Thank you for tonight." I say, once we reach the car.

"Mm..of course love," Oli turns to face me, grabs my waist, and gently pushes my against the passenger side door, causing butterflies to erupt in my stomach. "Don't forget what I said earlier." He kisses my neck softly a few times, before walking around to the driver's side and climbing in.

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