Chapter 17

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----Vic's POV----

I feel someone poking my shoulder. I groan.

"Vic, honey, wake up." I still don't budge.

"Vic, vic, we need to go to the hosptial." My eyes shoot wide open as I hear those words esacpe her lips.

"Why what's wrong?" I turn to her.

"I have all the symptoms of a m-" I cut her off mid sentence. I don't want to think that's what's happening.

"No, don'y say that." I get up, out of the bunk and throw clothes on. Jenna hops down and does the same. I grab her hand and drag her off the bus. Thank god where stopped.

"Vic, I didn't brush my teeth." She says, as she stops cause of a cramp.

"I have gum, come on." I pick her up and carry her to one of the vans. It's about four am, so nobody is up yet. I sit her in the passanger seat and jog to the drivers. Thank god these things have GPS systems in it.

"Here, find the closest hospital." I hand her the GPS and back out of the parking space and get onto the main street.

"Here, turn left." I do as she tells me and it's right there. I pull into the drive way and help her out. After many stops because of cramps, and her not letting me carry her, we made it to the front desk.

"Hello. May I help you?" No bitch, I came here for fun.

"Um ya, my girlfriend here is pregnant and is having extreamly bad stomach pains." She types a little bit then says some code into a walkie-talkie. Soon enough she's in a wheel chair and being pushed away.

"Where are you taking her?" I ask panicked. One of the doctors stops me from walking with them.

"Sir, we must take her in for evalutation. Please stay here." I push past him and run down the hall.

"Jenna?" I call out.

"Vic." I run in the direction of the voice.

"Sir, you are not allowed back here." I glare at the doctor.

"Darling, you'll be ok. I love you." I kiss her forehead, before the one of the doctor's drags me out and throws me out into the waiting room.

"Sir, we will call you when she's done being tested." I sigh, and sit down in a very, uncomfortable chair. I pull out my phone and shoot them a text. They'll see it when they wake up.

To: Mike; Hi-me; Turtle

Hey guys, I had 2 take Jen 2 da hospital. Stomach painz.

I set my phone down, and wait very impatiently. *BEEP BEEP* I look down. One of the boys text back.

From: Hi-me


Didn't expect Jaime to respond right away. I guess he was having trouble sleeping or something.

To: Hi-me

Decatur Memorial..

From: Hi-me

b there in 10

He is going to kill me.

---Jenna's POV-----

I lay still. Waiting for the doctors to finish their tests. When all of a sudden, I start bleeding 'down there' I scream in pain.

It feels like a boulder is going to come out of me. I'm going to die! Shut up Jenna, no you're not. I scream again as I feel something coming out of me.

A nurse rushes to my side and takes my hand. I squeeze her hand, my eyes shut closed, sweating. I scream and cuss.

Finally the pain is gone and I let go of the nurses hand. She grabs ice chips and gives them to me. Wanting me to cool down. I set them next to me and cry. I have never been in so much pain before.

"Vic! Someone please! Go get him!" The nice nurse that let me hurt her hand and gave me ice, ran out.

----Vic's POV----

What is taking so long for the evalutation. What if something went wrong? Don't think that way Vic.

"Vic Fuentes? Vic Fuentes?" I stand up and a nurse motions me towards her.

"Sir, your girlfriend wants you." She speed walks besides me and leads me to the room. I walk in and see Jenna with her head in her hands. A different nurse takes some bloody towels and throws them out.

"Jenna." I snap out of my trance and rush to her side, sitting on the side of the bed.

"Vic. It was horrible! It hurt so badly." I hold her as she crys. I tear up too, seeing her in this much pain hurts me too.

"Shh, is the pain gone?" I ask her. She nods. There's a knock at the door and a doctor walks in.

"I have the results it seems-"

-------Jamie's POV-----------

I run to the front desk of the hospital. The nurse looks up at me a smiles.

"Jenna..uh.." I don't know if she said Fuentes, she might have. Crap.

"It's ok. I know who you are, here, wear this," she hands me a sticker. "Room 324." She points towards the double doors and shoos me off. I smile at her and rush through the double doors. Uh.... THERE!

Fuck, the doors closed. You can't just open the door when somones in the intensive care unit! I sit my butt down in a chair outside the door.

-----Jenna's POV-----

I stop crying once the doctor walks in.

"I have the results, it seems that you have had a miscarriage. I'm so sorry for your loss." I break down, sobbing uncontrollably into Vic. I hear him trying to compose his voice.

"D-doc, what was the gender?" Vic stutters out.

"It was a boy. We tried to do all we could, but he was to small. I'm sorry. You may leave when you wish." It was a boy? I've always wanted a little boy.

"A boy. We were going to have a baby boy.. " Vic trails off, he silently cries besides me. We stay in eachothers arms until we hear the door open. I look up and see Jaime standing there.

"The doctor told me, -sniffles-, I'm so sorry." He kisses my forehead and whispers in my ear, "I love you sister." He gives Vic a hug.

"I... Uhh... I signed you out. We should head back guys, that way you can sleep. I'll drive." I look at both of them, and they stand up, leaving the room. The nurse comes in and takes the needles out of me and hugs me.

"I had one too. It was girl. It took me years before I even thought about having a baby. But I want you to try. For me, ok? Be strong. You can do it." She tells me the story as I get dressed.

"I'm glad you understand. Thank you for being a wonderful nurse." I hug her and walk out of the room. Vic grabs my hand and we walk out of the hospital.

We arrive back to Warped Tour. Vic and I climbed into his bunk and I snuggled close to him.

"I'm so sorry, Vic." I mutter.

"What are you sorry for?" He asks me, pulling away slightly so he can see me.

"For the m-mis- that god damn awful thing that happened earlier. I-it's my fault. I couldn't hold the b-baby." I cry into his chest.

"Shh, darling. It's not your fault. The doctor said your body wasn't ready. It's ok. Please don't beat yourself up over it. Now get some sleep love." he kisses my lips gently, pulling me closer to him. I feel a tear drop hit my head. I guess Vic and I both cried ourselves to sleep.


OMG DO YOU GUYS HATE ME?!? IM SORRY! >.< and it's short too.... I just wanted to get this up! It's been like a week since I updated. Shame on me . I love you all xoxo

~~xoxo Mak Cräzysøcks (lol inside joke)

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