Chapter 26

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----Jenna’s POV-----------

     “Jenna, I’m going out and I’m not sure if I’ll be home by the time you go to bed. “ I open my eyes and see Oli hovering over me.

   “That’s nice.” I pull the blanket back up over my head and turn on my side.

   “You aren’t upset?”

   “Why would I be upset, Oliver? I am used to you leaving and not coming back for days at a time. I never got the courtesy of a phone call or at least, a text.” I really hope he hears the annoyance in my voice because I am not in the mood to deal with this.

   “Really? That was one time Jen.” I can feel the side of my bed dip down and I am tempted to push him off.

   “It was nearly every weekend for a good three months. Just go, ok? I’ll be fine on my own.”  Silence. Then footsteps growing fainter, then the slam of the front door.  Engine revving, wheels screeching, and he’s gone.

   Sighing, I drag myself out of bed and grab my phone from off the charger. 28 missed calls, 67 unread text messages. All the notifications are from Vic and Jaime. One from an unknown number spikes my interest. 

   “15 unheard messages, first unheard message: ‘Watch your back.’ Second unheard message: ‘Jenna, it’s Vic. I understand if you do not want to talk to me right now, but you need to know that there is someone out there looking for you.”

   Watch your back? I remember getting a voicemail like that a few months ago. Eh, probably the same prank callers. Vic’s message entices me; maybe it isn’t a prank caller. Maybe Vic is right… or he’s trying to get me to pick up the phone. It wouldn’t surprise me if he did that. If he’s that desperate, anything is possible.

   I can’t afford to be thinking like that. I’ll just call Jaime and see what the real problem is.


   “Jenna, oh my gosh, are you ok? Tell me you’re ok!”

   “I’m fine. Jaime, what’s going on?” Great, something really is wrong. I pour myself a drink and hope for the best.

  “Lexi...Um, the manager for Of Mice and Men. She’s been forcing Vic to date her and if he doesn’t comply with what she says, she will kill you. She has men ready to pounce both here and there. Jenna, the whole reason Vic wasn’t around the last few months was to protect you. He never stopped loving you and wants you back. He’s on a plane and on his way to your apartment. She found out he left to go get you and she isn’t happy. Whatever you do, do NOT open your door for anybody and do not leave your apartment. Vic said he will text you when he’s outside your apartment. If you hear his voice on the other side of the door do not answer unless you have received the text.”


   “Jenna, what was that?”

   “Oh, it was just my class. I dropped it on the floor.” Crap. Now I have to clean up glass and Jack D’s.

   “Did you hear everything I just said?”

   “Loud and clear, I just.. I- I was so cruel to Vic..” I sit on the kitchen floor beside the shards and proof.

    “Jenna, I have to go before Lexi realizes that I informed you of the situation. Please, just listen to my advice. I love you sis.”

   “Um.. ok. I love you too, brother.”

   Vic is on a plane here. To protect me. That’s all he’s been doing this entire time. He never lied to deceive me, he lied to protect me. I should have known better! Vic would never ever lie to me. Hell, he hasn’t lied to me for deceiving purposes since…never.  I pull up my text messages and start to compose one to Vic.

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