The search

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Aphmau was with Travis for quite a bit, walking around the snowy environment.
Until they found a cave, where Aphmau hath opened a secret passage way.
It must've been some sort of clue to grab Zane and Garroth out of the dimension.
Though it didn't really sound like a clue, maybe it was, it just didn't really sound like one.

Well, after that, Aphmau and Laurance headed back to the ship. They did not expect what happened to it.
Running, to see a fire and smoke arising. They saw Katelyn on the ground, in pain. "Wh-what happened?" Aphmau asked, worried. "They u-used him against me" whispered Katelyn, Aphmau realised Katelyn was beginning to get angry by her tone of voice. "Whom, are w-we talking about again?" Aphmau asked, ever so silently. "They, those little figures, one o-of them transformed into J-Jeffory against me. I loosened u-up when I saw him, I c-can't believe I though it was him" she was getting exasperated at herself by the second. "It's my fault, my fault that he died" she mumbled. "It's not, honestly. However, he must have been here, since the imps can only transfer their self into the appearance of another if seen. Wait, hold on, where is Aaron?" Aphmau suddenly gets scared, "Aaron?" She yells. "I d-don't know, I saw him come to the ship a-and he set it on fire, grabbing th-the children" cried out Katelyn weakly. "The imps, they must've saw him and done the same" Aphmau cursed under her breath.

"A-" Laurance could not even speak, for Aphmau rushed to find the children. Unarmed and freezing, she searched.

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