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"Hey, hey bro! Heard something going on in the cells. Did you here it bro?"

"Nah bro, you sure it was from there bro?"

"It may just be a prank bro"

"Bro, who can prank us? bro"

"Eh, that's true. Bro"

"Let's go, now. The sooner we get out of O'Khasis, the better" Zane whispered, "B-but we'll get caught!" Aphmau exclaimed on a whisper.

"I know a way. Trust me" "Pfft. Like I'd trust you, cyclops" Katelyn glared at Zane. "I'm not the Zane from the past. I'm not going to kill our way out of here. We are going to run, in directions guards never bother to check. Cause it's a pain" Zane spoke silently to the two.

"Lead the way" Aphmau whispered, giving no hesitation in her voice. With that, he nodded and silently ran off slowly. As the others jogged behind him.

"Run you slow-poke" Katelyn hissed. "Can't you see, I have trouble breathing" he gasps quietly. Trying to breath properly.

"Zane, you have Asthma?" Aphmau asks, quite in shock indeed. He slightly nodded, "with so much power to kill, and get away with it. But with one little problem could torn it away? Do you have that inhaler to cure it momentarily?" Aphmau bites her bottom lip, she became concerned by the second.

"Big deal. Aphmau, Zane. Sun is setting we have to--" "Katelyn, Zane could die of suffocation!" Aphmau started to scream in an inside voice.

"I'm fine, honestly" Zane smiled slightly. Panting a little, making his chest puff in and out.

"Alright, but alert us when in need. I can heal you" Aphmau said, holding his hand, gripping it tightly. "Lead the way, please" she spoke demanding soft voice.


"We made it" Zane huffed slightly, as they entered the forest.

"Aphmau?" Katelyn looked slightly irritated, "yeah, Katelyn?" Aphmau asked in a questioning look on her face.

"This is, the same, exact forest. The one where you met that witch, which was the mother of Lucinda" Katelyn sighed. Dropping to the floor, "we are already lost, we went to the centre without thinking its this forest..."

"Katelyn. It's alright, we'll find a way out. Promise" Aphmau whispered, giving out a slight hug to Katelyn.

"Let's just camp here, for the night. I remembered that I put some sleeping bags in Aphmau's ruck-sack, since I experienced these types of journeys once to much" Zane spoke out of the blue, dropping two sleeping/bags onto the prickling grass.

"There's three of us Zane" Katelyn said in an obvious tone. "Well, there needs to be night watch. Lady Kayt--"

Katelyn ran up to him, smacking him square on the cheek. "I'm not anyone's lady, nor yours" she growled under her breath.

Zane rubbing the sport with his palm, where she slapped him on the cheek.

"Katelyn, you can't just run off" Aphmau yelled with shock. She didn't expect this reaction over something so little.

I'm not that bad, Honestly [Zanemau]Where stories live. Discover now