Meeting the man in the bush

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Aphmau runs back to Laurance and the group. "Hey! Everyone!" She pants, everyone looking at her with curiosity, "I have, information! We have to find this, man to get out of this place, since we went through the cursed sea. Meaning we have to go to that man, just to let us go" Aphmau explains the whole story that she went through.

"Alright, I'll be with you Ap-" "Laurance, I told you, we have to be alone and unarmed" Aphmau says in frustration, Laurance was not willing to do the plan, and Aphmau needed to help get Garroth and Zane out of the dimension quicker and the children at home faster. "Kaytlen, take care of the children on the ship, no arguments" Aphmau mutters to Kaytlen, "Why? Ap-" "Hey, wai- Aphmau!" Laurance yells, though Aphmau did not stop running, dropping her sword, making her unarmed and alone.
She went in circles and twists, loosing Laurance and Celeste was with her to protect.

Aphmau was tired of running and needed to camp and rest. She was mumbling to herself, when Celeste was growling at the bush. Aphmau arises from sitting down and rushed quickly to Celeste, "What's wr- Ah~!" Aphmau shrieks and screams, as a man with white clean hair and green eyes greet her with a sword to her neck. "G-get off me!" Aphmau yells at him, whom was having the sword dangerously close to her. "Why, it must be you" the man was getting mistaken that Aphmau was the man she was looking for, the evil one like, though in different form. "P-please, I'm Aphmau. I-I'm trying to find th-that man to help me a-and a group out of this place" Aphmau explains in a rush.

The white haired man tells his name, Travis, and after a while, he explains all about what he knows to do and greet this man. "Kiss me on the lips" he says innocently, "Wh-what NO!" Aphmau replied with shock. He sighs, "On my lips, is this thing, where as if someone kissed me, then they'd be able to leave this island, I can only use it on one person" he shrugs. "Really?" Aphmau says in disbelief, "Yeah, maybe even something more" he replies, "No, nope!" Aphmau says immediately, "Do you want the children and everyone back to where you want?" He says, persuading Aphmau. "Only one kiss?" She says quietly, he nods. Soon, she slowly moves close to Travis, yet hesitantly, when "GET AWAY FROM MY GIRL, I mean *Ahem* get away from her" Laurance yells and jumps out of no where. "Your girl? Heh?" Travis chuckled, "You are not using those pesky lies to trick her" Laurance gritted his teeth. "Well, yeah, I was telling the truth, except for that last bit" Travis smiled weakly.

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