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"Haven't seen you in years! how are you?" Luke says hugging him. Calum hugs back soon letting go of the hug.

"been good, you?" Calum says and Luke nodes motioning to sit down. Calum and Styles do sit down in front of his desk.

"doing good" Luke says sitting down behind his desk. Styles still has a smirk on his face knowing he'll get away from getting in trouble.

"So you wanted me? what did Styles do?" Calum faced his son as he pulled up his arm in surrender.

"Well i asked for his dad but i guess you picked him up" Luke says and Calum laughed.

"Luke, i am his dad" Calum says and Luke eyes widen. Styles breaks out to laughter.

"my dad is Calum Hood, my mom is--" Calum shot Styles a glare and that made Styles stop. they aren't aloud to speak about his so called 'mother'.she left him at age 3. she always tries to visit but Styles didn't want to see her because he knows the truth. she didn't care about them, she just cared about parties.

"Styles, what did we talk about?" Calum says and Styles rolls his eyes and sighs.

"Don't talk about my so called mom because she isn't important enough to talk about" Styles says and Calum nodes.

"Anyways I'm here because" Calum asked. Luke cleared his throat and looked at Styles.

"would you like to tell him why?" Luke says and Styles shakes his head.

"why would i do that? I'll just get into trouble!" Styles says and Luke sighs. Calum can't help but to chuckle.

"Your son, Styles, cut his classmate, Brinntteys hair. she was very upset" Luke says and Calum looks at Styles.

"you can't blame me! she was being rude to Layla! she always is and i was kinda bored so" Styles says and Calum nodes. He gets up and faces Styles chair to him. Calum then crouches down to Styles.

"i get that Layla is your beat friend, but you need to understand that you can't always protect her. she can come over and we can teach her how to stand up for herself, but you need to stop with these bad things. i get that I'm not the best dad. I'm also not the best at anything but we need to do this together, okay? Joy and David isn't always going to be there for us" Calum says and Styles nodes as a tear leaves his eye.

"I'm sorry dad! i love you!" Styles says jumping to his dad hugging him. Calum nodes hugging him back. "and you are the best! better then mommy! better then anyone!" Styles finishes.

"Lets go, thank you for telling me this" Calum says and Luke nodded.

"can i talk to Hemmings for a bit? i need to ask him something" Styles says and Calum nodes walking out and closing the door.

"what did you need to ask me?" Luke asked going down to the little kids level.

"How do you know my dad?" Styles asked in a serious tone.

"we were best friends until high school but we went our separate ways" Luke says and Styles sends him a smirk.

"I'm having a party because my birthday, i want you to come" Styles says and Luke chuckles.

"i would love to come" Luke says and Styles hugs him and running out of the classroom.

"oh this is going to be fun" Styles mumbles as his dad and him leave the school building.

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