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Luke and Calum were signing Styles out of the hospital. it has been about a mouth since Styles has gotten shot.

Luke and Mali have been planing the wedding and it was all craziness. until it hit Luke.

"Calum, we haven't told my parents" Luke says and Calum stops in the middle of walking out of the hospital.

"oh my god! lets tell them today! i want to see Liz! i miss her" Calum says as they start walking again.

"sure, ill drive" Luke says and Calum tosses him the keys. they placed down Styles gently not wanting to hurt him.

to: mama liz- i am coming over with some people! love ya! x

"Okay so Styles, we are going to meet my mom. Now her name is Liz. She will hug you and hold you because she loves children. Now, for you Calum, she misses you a whole lot so be prepared" Luke says and Calum rolls his eyes.

"how hard can it be ?" Calum asked.

oh how he was wrong because right when Liz opened the door she looked at Calum and hugged him. She was about to cry but Luke stopped her.

Liz hugged Luke too and about to hug Styles but he stopped her.

"i am hurt don't touch me" Styles says and Calum hits him.

"don't talk like that to Liz" Calum says and Styles shrugs walking inside. the rest come in and see Andrew watching TV with Jack.

"hey guys" Calum says as he sees the house he mostly grew up in. Luke and Calum would always go to Luke's house and spent their time there.

"Calum Hood! we have missed you" Andrew says hugging him. Jack shakes his hand with a smile. Calum sees pictures of Luke and Calum as a kid and he smiles.

"Dad! i want juice!" Styles says to Luke and he sighs. Liz looked shocked that the kid was calling him dad.

"Okay, ill be back" Luke says as he grabs the kid and leaves.

"So you are a dad ?" Jack asked and Calum nodded.

"yeah, his name is Styles" Calum says and Andrew nodes.

"where his mom" Liz asked and Calum looks down.

"um, she isn't really in the picture but she is finding her way back" Calum says and Liz nodes.

"so you and her are getting back together?" Styles asked with a cup in his hand. Luke chuckles watching as Calum tries to find words.

"no, i am gay" Calum says and Andrew cheers.

"Called it!" Andrew says and Jack rolls his eyes and gives his dad a 20 dollar bill.

"Actually thats why we are here" Luke says and the three look at them at confusion.

"um, sorry that I didn't ask you Andrew but your son and I are getting married" Calum says and Jack hugs Luke.

"Congrats Lukey! you are a man!" Andrew says hugging his son. Liz is in tears hugging Calum and then Styles.

"i am injured woman!" Styles says and Luke rolls his eyes.

"sorry he is injured, pretty bad" Luke says lifting up his shirt seeing a huge bandage for they can cover the stitches.

"awe what happened" Jack asked.

"well you see" Calum says bitting his lip "he kinda got shot and saved Luke's life" Calum finished. Liz looks at Luke and then back at the child. Andrew just looks at Jack and chuckled.

"if you are marrying my brother we need to know how that can happen. you guys weren't friends for about 10 years. a lot can happen" Jack says and Luke sighs.

"it's started when...."


no it isnt the end.

i feel like a should do 2 parts for the wedding, you'll like that?

smut next chapter ??

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