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"Do you, Luke Robert Hemmings, take Calum Thomas Hood as your beloved Husband?" The man said and Luke smiled.

"I do" Luke says

"Do you, Calum Tomas Hood, take Luke Robert Hemmings as you beloved husband" The man says.

"I d-"

"wait!" Ryan yelled and everyone gasped. Calum eyes widen.

"oh! sorry! i am not stopping the wedding. its just Josh and I were late. proceed" Ryan says sitting down with Josh. Calum chuckles at his mate and looks back at Luke.

"I do" Calum says and Luke smiles at him.

"you may kiss"

Calum grabbed Luke's face and kissed him. Luke kissed back mumbling a i love you. Liz and Joy were crying as their husbands try to calm them. everyone cheered happy for the two.


everyone was now at the party. Calum and Luke were sitting down on their table along with Styles.

"you can go play with your cousins Styles" Luke says and Styles kissed his cheek and ran off.

"i am so glad he loves you or else the whole marriage thing wouldn't have worked out" Calum says holding Luke's hand.

"my job called me," Luke says "they want me to come back" Luke sighs not wanting to work.

"you haven't been to work in like three months" Calum says laughing at Luke. Michael and Ashton walks up to them and smiles.

"i wanted to say congrats" Ashton says and Luke smiles at him.

"thank you" Calum says and Ashton nodes.

"look i know you and Luke use to be bff's and all but Luke and i have been through a lot. we have been together on everything! we even got arrested once! so please what ever you do, don't hurt his heart, again" Ashton says and Calum nodes shaking his hand.

"now Michael you may speak" Ashton says and Michael nodes.

"i just wanted to say is, thanks for making my friend happy. Calum has been through a lot and i am glad he found you. also, Styles has a game in two days so don't be late" Michael says and Luke laughs nodding.

"thank you guys" Luke says and Calum nodes kissing Luke's cheek. Michael and Ashton hug them both and head to the bar.

"my little brother is married!" Jack says hugging Luke and then hugs Calum.

"yes he is" Calum says holding his hand kissing it.

"i am sure Ben would have loved to see this" Jack says and Luke begins to tear up.

"i bet he would" Luke says smiling. Calum smiles at Jack and thanks him.

Calum and Luke walk to the dance floor and greeted people. they all congratulated them and they thank them.

"lets dance" Calum says and Luke nodes.


one more chapter ((:

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