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Luke and the kids have left about 20 minutes ago leaving Calum and Arzalyea together to talk about Styles. they had to sign some papers and read a whole lot of stuff.

yet they ended up on the couch watching Netflix and trying to see if they can make random foods in each others mouth.

they got half of the paper work done and pushing away some for tomorrow. Calum always hated paper work. its a son of a bitch.

the two lost track of time as Calum tries to shoot a small candy in Arzalyeas mouth. Calum has been shooting everywhere but her mouth.

Calum's butler watches them like he use to when they were together. he smiled at the memories but heard a knock on the door. he sees its Luke and the kids coming from school. Luke and the kids were laughing about something. The butler opened the door greeting them with a smile. they all smile back heading to the living room.

"no! Calum why did you move! cheater! you were always a cheater" Arzaylea says as Calum laughs. the two didn't see the three walk in.

"you sound like a fucking kid" Calum says and Arzaylea rolls her eyes.

"you fucked a fucking kid!" Arzalyea shoots back making Calum throw popcorn at her. Luke clears his throat making the two notice them.

"Styles! how are you" Arzaylea asked and Styles smiled running to his mom talking about his day. Luke walked over to Calum sitting next to him.

"Uncle Calum.." Layla says and Calum hums. "when is my mommy going to be back" Layla asked and Calum sighed.

"don't worry love just two more days with us then you'll see mommy" Calum says kissing her forehead.

"okay, Styles lets play video games!" Layla says running to the game room. Styles kissed his mom and ran up with Layla.

"i found out why they were fighting" Luke says and Calum nodes meaning to continue, "apparently Layla likes Tim but Styles doesn't like Tim" Luke explains.

"Tim? with the cute couple?" Arzaylea asked and Calum nodes.

"yeah that one!" Calum says and Arzaylea nodes eating some candy.

"i heard that the two might split because one of them likes someone else" Arzaylea says. Calum and her kept talking as Luke went with the kids. he didn't like Tims parent, specially the one talking to Calum. he cant help but to feel jealous. he also kinda feels jealous of Arzaylea.

Luke walks into the play room to see Layla and Styles playing a video game. he didn't know what it is called but theres guns involved. When Luke was a kid he never really played with video games that much. he learned how to ride a bike or skateboard. then he learned how to play guitar with Calum. video games were never his thing.

"want to play Luke?" Styles asked and Luke shook his head. Layla paused the game and walked to Luke. Styles followed Laylas actions.

"why aren't you with the adults?" Layla asked. Luke sighs knowing he cant say anything to them.

"i wanted to hang out with you two" Luke faked smiled lying straight from his teeth.

"you hang out with us at school! we eat lunch with you! you just dont want to be in the same room as my mom and also they are talking about Tims dad which you don't like" Styles smirked as Luke rolled his eyes.

"okay thats true but i still don't want to play video games. why don't you guys learn how to play an instrument? Like Calum and I?" Luke says and Styles eyes widen.

"you and my dad know how to play an instrument! what instrument do you guys play" Styles asked and Luke nodes.

"i play the guitar and your dad plays the bass" Luke says and Layla cheers.

"i want to play the piano" Layla says and Luke nodes knowing he can teach her because he also knows how to play.

"i want to play the guitar!" Styles yelled and Luke nodes.

"you two get ready and we will go out to the music shop. just don't tell your dad we are going because then he will pay" Luke says and Styles stands there confused.

"don't you date him for his money?" Styles asked and Luke shook his head.

"i date him because he is himself now go change!" Luke says walking out of the room.

Luke goes down stairs and sees that the two are signing some paper work. Luke goes the kitchen and gets an apple.

"Come on Luke!" Styles says running down stairs with Layla. Styles wore his black ripped pants with his blue shirt also white converse. Layla wore her sunflower dress with her white sandals. she kept her hair down letting the curls set free.

"where are you three going" Calum asked and Luke sighs knowing they have been caught.

"um to shop for some clothes for me. gets some food on the way too. bye!" Luke yelled as they all run out. Luke has his keys to his car and they all jumped in zooming off.

"well you are a horrible lier" Styles says as Layla agrees.



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